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Everything posted by mvince201

  1. All of the protanks will accept single coils. Just saying
  2. First pass with never dull on the 18350 tube. Will probably do 2-3 more before Im satisfied.
  3. Natural for sure, I'm looking for a nice patina!
  4. Ended up using a little Goo Gone, a rough sponge (like the ones for cleaning dishes), and a soft wire brush (I have a nice little one I use for detailing cars, worked great). Took me about 45 minutes to do it all, minus polishing which I'm getting ready to do lol
  5. Ended up going a different route, but got the job done! Still need to polish though!
  6. When you are drawing with your lungs you are pulling more air more quickly, thus more vapor.
  7. As long as you are within the ohm limits of your battery and you have checked your coil and rda for shorts you are totally safe. What drip tip is that Bushwick? Diggin it.
  8. Lovin' it. It's 26 gauge wire. Its pretty easy as long as you follow safety precautions check your coils/rda on a meter every time you're good to go!
  9. Thanks, just pulled that one out actually and did this one. Previous one wasn't sitting up high enough for my airflow and would get too close to the post when I tried to pull it up...so restart! :P Btw, what mod is that on the left? It looks sharp. Must be the new swiss army mod. Baha
  10. How do you guys go about tidying up your coils and getting them center? Just curious what the other methods are. My latest build
  11. A Marlboro Red cigarette contains about .7mg of nicotine. So if you smoke a pack a day, you may want to start with a 16 or 18mg juice.
  12. Although in the description of the draught keg: Engineered to work exclusively with Heineken, Heineken Premium Light and Newcastle Brown Ale
  13. I don't make beer though, I'm just really good at drinking it.
  14. I haven't tried it yet either! Lol
  15. It is still illegal to distribute counterfeit merchandise even if you are not the person who created it, I believe.
  16. I agree! I was just thinking we need a lot more informative stuff for new people, might save us from these repetitive questions! lol.
  17. Totally agree with that! Juice should be good right off the bat, steeping should just make it BETTER :P
  18. Spinners are garbage IMO. I've had 4 go out on me in the past month. Ordered three and one was broken from the get go, so the vendor sent me another one. Before the new one arrived the other two were already pretty much toast (button would work about %30 of the time on one, and the other had to be shaken every 5 minutes to get it to fire). Received the new one and it gets super hot on the bottom when firing sometimes, also has the same connection issue as the previous one. Mind you each of these batteries was shipped directly from Vision. A lot of people swear by them, but IMO the quality is awful. EDIT: These are the 1st Spinners that I am talking about, hopefully the Spinner 2 is better!
  19. No clue! Lol. All I know is I heard it through the grapevine so I unwrapped one myself to see. Sure enough it's a Sony VTC4. Maybe these are Sonys that did not fully pass quality check or something?
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