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Everything posted by mvince201

  1. I'm running dual parallel 5 wrap 24g on a 3/32 as we speak, and I'm setting at .21
  2. Okay so here's the thing. A parallel 24g dual coil 4 wrap on a 3/32 is no where near .23 You should be checking every build with a dedicated ohm meter, not a mod. With that build you should be closer to .15 Does this problem occur with any battery? If so, then like I said you're shorting out somewhere. Could be your atty, could be your mod, could be your coils.
  3. Great to hear! Keep it up! I've found that SOOO many people never go back to tobacco flavors once they realize whats really out there! But ALWAYS stick to whatever keeps you off those analogs, that's the main goal!
  4. Welcome! Here's my suggestion: Listen to Tameiki. Haha!
  5. Properly dispose of the battery, get a new one, THOROUGHLY check your mod inside and out for melted insulators, possible shorts, and make sure your button is nice and smooth as to not stick again. THEN and only then may you give it another try. You're lucky you didn't blow your hand off. What build were you running when this happened?
  6. If your button is getting that hot, then you are either too low, or you are shorting out somewhere. No other possibility. A picture of your build/mod/atty would help. What ohm is your coil?
  7. I have that. It works good. But steam-engine is waaay better
  8. I think he is referring to the rubber cover that coils sometimes come in.
  9. 1. The ego twist will work just fine with the same evod charger, however I believe the spinner 2 requires a different charger, however I could be wrong. 2. If the tank screws onto the battery properly (which it should), and does not fire, then you have one of two problems: Either your battery is not making a connection with the tank, or the coil inside your tank is no good. First thing I would do is swap the coil and see if that solves the problem, if not you may need to try prying up the connection on your battery VERY gently. This will allow it to make a connection with your tank.
  10. Sore throat is almost inevitable. It goes away quickly. Your body is not used to inhaling vapor, remember when you first smoked how bad it hurt your throat? Same thing. Also, some people are sensitive to PG, and it can cause sore throat, headaches, stuff like that. If it doesn't go away within a couple days, try a 100% vg juice and see if that helps.
  11. https://fbcdn-video-a.akamaihd.net/hvideo-ak-xpa1/v/t43.1792-2/10306422_1628770017348855_1770059720_n.mp4?oh=6d55607cc32f916c86c28227a9f15534&oe=53B0F0EE&__gda__=1404105506_ad831ebebc1a324655b38f75675066f2 Dual 24g dragon wicked .22 ohm
  12. Thicker wire just means it takes more wraps to get to a higher resistance. For example a 28g coil at 1 ohm would take about 6 wraps. Whereas with 22g wire, a 1 ohm coil would take about 20 wraps. The larger wire is mainly used by cloud chasers to get nice large plooms of vapor. For a beginner such as yourself I would stick with 26-30 gauge wire.
  13. I have had trouble with their stupid factory coils in my pro-tank 2, but aside from that everything I've owned that was made by Kanger has been top notch.
  14. Sounds to me like your batteries are not getting fully charged before use. I noticed with my evod when my battery was very low it would like to spit in my mouth. A fresh battery normally solved the problem. Aside from that the only other possibility is a bad coil. Try a aftermarket coil rather than the one it comes with and see what happens. P.S. Sorry if anyone has said these things already I don't have time to read everything atm.
  15. I smoked an analog about 3 weeks after I started vaping. Or should I say tried to smoke an analog. Took two drags and put that nasty.thing away. So awful.
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