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Everything posted by SAvoltage

  1. Yay its here. Thing hits like freight train.
  2. Where in Texas. If in San Antonio I know of a very good shop that makes all in house juices that are top notch. Blows the majority of the juice you buy online away. CovalVapes.com
  3. Just bought a V3 Flip Gold! Now the waiting for it to arrive starts.
  4. how is the build on that one. really want a flip and am about to pull the trigger on a legit one, but the clone price is so appealing.
  5. what about a kayfun?
  6. Digging the Mt.B Dragon Fruit currently.
  7. I have seen a few around but don't have any experience with them. (Just google "Vape of the Month") https://www.zamplebox.com/ https://www.easyvapeclub.com/ https://vape-box.com/ http://www.madvapes.com/juice-of-the-month-club.html ps. welcome to the site.
  8. this is what I started with.. except i went with the smoktech hybrid for the magneto. easy to build on.
  9. Got the itch tonight... Picked up: - Kayfun Lite Plus V2 - Aspire Nautilus - Sentinel M16 Mod, didn't plan on picking up another mod but it was on a wicked sale...
  10. Love the Gus Kiss. Really want one for myself just cant seem to find one.
  11. Placed an order today with Mt. Baker Vapor. Excited to try some new juices. all 6mg 70/20. -15ml Build Your Own (3 Parts - Peanut Better, 2 Parts - Vanilla Ice Cream, 1 part - Caramel Candy) -15ml Orange Dream Bar -15ml Strawbana
  12. Thanks, prolly take another crack at it tomorrow. Kinda addicting.
  13. Well finally got all the supplies in to do my own build (not at the local shop). What do yall think? 28 gauge kanthal wrapped with .6 x .1 kanthal ribbon. came out to .41 ohms.
  14. scram sucks... get a lawyer and get that thing off! i hated mine, though I only had it for a month before I had the judge take it off.
  15. New Vape Mail! Good day. - Chi You Clone - Patroit Clone - Kick - G-Pulse - Ohm/Volt Meter Box - Wire (28gage and Ribbon) - Torch
  16. Best motorcycle riding has to be up around Leakey. Up there at least once a month when the weather is nice.
  17. I live in San Antonio. IMO the best city to live in, in the great state of Texas. People are nice, food is great. What type of activities do you do for fun? Austin is great if your into the festival, social, drinking, party scene, but be prepared to pay a lot more for everything (though im sure its less than Yankee New York). I would say away from Houston and Dallas at all costs unless you have a lot of money and can get into the burbs. San Antonio is the best of everything. Has a booming job market (one of the best in the country), cheap cost of living, traffic is much better than the previous mentioned cities, close to the beach (2.5 hours) close to Austin (1.5 hours), professional sports, and theme parks. If you have any questions ill be happy to answer them. Grew up in TX and went to school in MT. On another note. GO SPURS GO!
  18. Yeah I like the felt idea. Might go that route.
  19. I think i made the holes a bit too big... trying to think of a way to fill them. Was thinking about a grommet or some type of protection ring.
  20. Figured this is good a place as any to post my progress on making my custom stand. Plan on doing a couple of mock ups and I am sure it will take me a few tries to really get what I want. I will update here on day to day progress. Feel free to ask questions or to have my plans emailed. Day 1: - Did a rough drawing of what I thought I wanted. - Measured out top and bottom hole placements. (7 Mod's, 8 ego style) - Cut top and bottom and drilled holes. Next: Layout bottom hole placement for juice, attys, and drip tips (might put drip tips on top in front of the mods)
  21. Recently I have been all about the PBB (Peanut Butter Banana) Cream and ATOM Bomb from CovalVapes. 12mg. Amazing stuff. Should really give them a try if you haven't. Super nice customer service and like to send "presents" along with purchases.
  22. My brother has this tank and broke it within a week. He replaced with the stainless right after. I had the same question as you be he said he just has a gut feeling when it is getting low or if it gets to it, the taste. Looks slick too.
  23. Only been here a bit, but lots of good information.
  24. One of the reasons I went with my Magneto. Buttery Smooth.
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