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About bconaway

  • Birthday May 5

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  • Location
    Magnolia, Tx

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. i had a carto on it
  2. ok so my maraxus ironman would sometimes overheat and so would the battery any idea why? it would happen right after id push the button and the button would get hott!!!
  3. Hey everyone I am going to be buying my first rebuildable atomizer soon and would like some help and guidance on how I shouls make my first build any tips and comments welcome! (:
  4. Just ordered this mod and would like to have a few opinions, reviews, etc. Also how do I post pics on an android.
  5. I have just ordered the Maxamus Ironman Mechanical Mod and I was wondering if anyone could tell me there thoughts on it, pros/cons, etc.
  6. yeah im not digging my aerotank maintenance to much I prefer the nautilus but as my fiancé shattered it.. I keep a pair of pliars in my kit because the tank threading gets hot and really tight but I think im going to try and improve the airflow by drilling into the AT and rebuild the coil to fit 3 coil wicks... wish me luck
  7. Iclear16 by far. Tank spins, leak,glass would juss fall off..
  8. Is it possible to drill the holes bigger to provide more airflow and bigger vape
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