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Everything posted by VIAWOL

  1. I really enjoyed my VTR when I was using it. I had to cut of the ring to fit a kayfun. I felt like a better tank really unlocked the potential.
  2. Lol I can say I jumped the gun on that seven dollar bag. It will still last forever
  3. I'm not saying he needs to be a spokes person but if he could just say something. Most people I talk to haven't heard about free to vape.org
  4. Rayon all the way. The best flavor. And the best for a beginner, no sweet spot to find just stuff as much in the coil as you can fit and it is perfect.
  5. I have wondered how to get a hold of him too. All I want him to say is "go check out freetovape.org and sign up"
  6. I've been running rayon for a while now in a .4 ohm parallel coil dripper and a .7 KFL and I can say that I really enjoy this material. I got mine from halcyon yarn on the internet, I ordered 3 oz for like 7 bucks. I taste just the juice, and I can taste flavors in the juice I never knew were there. It wicks wonderful and I even pushed it to dry hit a few times and it wasn't the "omg I just inhaled Death" feeling we know from sub-ohming cotton, it actually wasn't bad. It was more like a negative flavor shift than a throat burn. After a few hours of chain vaping I pulled out the wick and it was discolored under the coil but I ran it under some water and it just washed out, that tells me that even after running it dry a few times and hours of Serious vaping it was not damaged at all by the heat of the coil. I believe that is due to the unbelievable wicking ability of this material, it doesn't absorb the juice it just channels it. Conclusion: I feel better using this over cotton, it wicks better than cotton, it lasts longer than cotton, it even runs dry better than cotton. It is worth a try
  7. 26 ga parallel coil reading at .26 ohm. Mmmmmm, so nice but a little close to the limits of my Sony battery. Would take a pic of the coil but my phone stinks
  8. Yup top cap is loose and bit only that but the positive pin sticks out a mile long. Probably gunna let it go for a few bucks
  9. It finally arrived! Had the wife open it and take a pic of my new panzer Blackhawk clone and omega clone. For some odd reason the fire button had unscrewed itself. I confirmed with the wife that yes the pin is rattling around inside. Oh and I haven't even laid my hands on it yet. Hopefully I will be home Saturday
  10. We are talking about the VTR mostly. The mvp has a few options, it could have more, but the VTR could really draw some people. I thought that if innokin was smart they would declare a limited release of let's say.. a brass and black VTR. Ya know, really hype it, let it "leak" that they are working on something kewl. Then sell them at super inflated prices, and then after a month or two drop the price down to normal. Like an iPhone
  11. It's a special model. It can be a little unsettling some times.
  12. My VTR made it a whole day before I cut the ring off. I like it much more now that we are divorced.
  13. I was just thinking about this. I have a green VTR and I have been thinking that it would look great with a brushed finish on the metal parts or brass instead.
  14. This is beautiful! I love graphs. So much data in a easily digested form. Great info and well done. I would love to see as breakdown on a VTR.
  15. It looks great! I want to build one so bad. Could you help m me find the right fuse? Do you know the product code for them? Also I like how you centered the top cap. Nice detail.
  16. I like hearing about vaping truckers. It's also nice to have a good dripper to enjoy at the end of the day like a strong cigar. I'm sad I'm without one for a few weeks. I look forward to posting my vape mail and seeing up my new omega when it arrives.
  17. Ack! It's a monster! ...how's it vape
  18. I ordered one of those cherry vapes friction fit cloud chaser drip tip. I'm so excited! I've gotten into dipping in a big way.
  19. Aww I think they took it down.
  20. Lol they sure are. she has demanded that I get her one of each color
  21. I guess it must just be the volume. That's how it was labeled on the website. It's just a small unit. It wouldn't look silly on an eGo.
  22. I bought my wife a little tiny 1ml dripper because it was her favorite color. She wasn't sure at first but once I figured out how it needed to be set up she enjoyed it. So much that I got a full sized one for myself. She has since declared that she needs more drippers because that's all she wants to use anymore. I need to get her on here and introduce her to CAL. I drive a truck and I use my VTR with a KFL while I'm rolling and as soon as I stop I go back into the sleeper and vape some butterscotch off the dripper... sigh... it's my little reward at the end of the day. Dripping should be tried at least once.
  23. Lol I considered sending him one just so he could have one but I figured he might think I was trying to poison him. Can't be too careful when ur in the lime light.
  24. You are great! My wife just asked me today, "is that something I could do myself?" In regards to coil making. I am going to send her the link to this thread for sure!
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