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Everything posted by mommabird62

  1. Oops...I bought them like that The tank rings come from Mystic Moon Jewelz on Etsy. Her stuff gets snagged up quickly as well. It's hit or miss. LOL The stones in the dangly charms are finds from craft stores.
  2. I have Nautilus tanks with the Hollowed out sleeves on them. BTW if you haven't tried the new bvc coils for them-you must give them a shot. It's a whole new ballgame with those coils!
  3. Drip Tip Designs has nice ones too but I have fallen in love with the Molehill ones. Very unique and the people are really fabulous to work with. They treat their customers like family
  4. I don't use any stones-afraid to put glue on my mods
  5. The tank rings came from Mystic Moon Jewelz on Etsy. The charms-i just threw them together from craft store findings
  6. Mtdobies-if you don't see What you want, just shoot them an email and they will help you design something
  7. They have amazing designs not seen anywhere else. Kayte will decorate them in very unique and lovely designs. They also do wooden ones. Her husbands does alot of wood turning as well. I have another one coming that will also go on the Hana-it involves some copper leafing and tropical colors
  8. I get them from Molehill Mountain Drip Tips. They have a faithful following and most of the tips get snatched up as soon as they go to the website. They will custom make them for you. Very nice people!
  9. More bling update Have a new (authentic) Hana Modz now keeping the Provaris company. It's beginning to get out of hand....LOL
  10. Looks great Patricia ! Glad you are loving it it's so much fun decorating them.
  11. Patricia, I'll pm you the link for the tips when I get to my laptop. I use rubber hair band thingies that I found at walmart for girl's hair. Or you can use rubber orings found at hardware store. I found the sparkly rings at a big box craft store. oh and I'm no doctor I space my purchases out LOL ( And my kids are all grown, so I have more spending money than i used to LOL)
  12. Patricia- here is my latest decorating. Overdone possibly? LOL
  13. Proetus- does that mean they are basically going to a high watt device? Personally I don't need the higher watt but I know many would be happy with that.
  14. Congrats Patricia! You are going to love it! Glad you got some charms for it too. it's fun dressing them up. A local vape shop whom is a Pravape dealer is getting a shipment in on Wed including some gunmetal ones. May mosey over there on my day off Thursday and take a look at them
  15. I'm already planning the next one Waiting to see what v3 is all about first. I would love to have a gunmetal one as my next
  16. Pretty! and Happy Birthday
  17. Patricia, they are stainless steel tank tubes that I got to replace the glass on the Aspire Nautilus was afraid that the glass would break being hauled around in my purse i got them from a dealer on ebay that had very good ratings. A search for stainless vape tanks will take you to his page. The charms can be found in the craft jewelry departments in the big box craft stores and Wally world. I get tips from Molehill Mountain and Drip tip Designs. Hope it's ok to post the names here-if not, mods let me know;)
  18. Patricia, I got the green display and the extension for the bigger battery. The glass tip should be lovely with it Here is mine with a new custom tip on it. The display isn't lit up but the green really looks good on it
  19. Sporting new drip tips:)
  20. Provari is all "dressed up". I put a banded malachite tip on it. Nautilus has a ss tank tube that has dimples. And of course a doggie paw charm. I have another tip being made that will also match well
  21. Love mine!!! I get what all the fuss about Provari is now I have a custom drip tip in the makings now for it and will post a pic when I get it all dressed up. LOL
  22. The emerald green is even prettier than the pics. It has a metallic sheen. Really pleased with it. Very solid feeling and vapes flawlessly!
  23. I got the Provari at a local shop that is a Provape dealer and the drip tips at another shop. Sweet Vapes carry the ones with the little colored bulbs on them. Think I got one from them also. I have too many! LOL Been looking at drips tips online trying to match one to it. There is a place that makes them from stones and stuff. Really nice but a little pricey. LOL
  24. Already have another ss tank ordered for the second nautilus that I picked up. This one will be a little fancier so I can "purty" it up.
  25. Wasn't sure if this is the right place to post this Pulled the trigger today and added an emerald green Provari to the "pack" Loving it so far! Will try to attach a photo of my "babies". Guees I'm bonified hooked beyond help now
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