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Everything posted by mercesp

  1. Have been vaping with my new 601 pipe in the evenings for about 2 weeks now....I feel like Sherlock Holmes...so much smoke that I feel like I'm in a steam room...lol...the carts last for a pretty long time...from what I understand they hold alot of juice...have been careful to disassemble it each night after reading posts about the atty burning out quickly...so far so good...still use my 808 for daytime vaping...would recommend it to anyone who likes the feel of a pipe...I was a pipe and cigar smoker...now need to try thr e-cigar...anyone have experience with them??
  2. I know..it's nice to see the ads promoting vaping but the false claims do more harm than good...hopefully they'll get feedback from users and make more realistic claims.
  3. I received a cigar catalogue from Thompson Cigars and there it was...an ad for an e-cig...it was for a Smoke Fifty-One e-cig...the claims were exaggerated (one cart = 2 packs)...but I found it interesting that a cigar company would handle this item.
  4. Definitely call the credit card company and stop the transaction...most of the problems seem to stem from a restocking fee that they charge for their "free trial"....and also the trial period that runs from when the order is placed and not from when you receive the item...that being said you have a great resource right here for any products you want...aside from the Vapor Talk store there is a list of certified sellers that Chris keeps up to very high standards...Good Luck
  5. Found this listing online...you might want to call first and see if they have what you want Daytona Flea & Farmers Market 2987 Bellevue Ave Daytona Beach, FL 32124 Firefly Electronic Cigarettes Row B2, Units # 49 & 51
  6. I like the new look...I'm a fairly new member but I do have a couple of comments...if I were just coming to Vapor Talk I think I'd be confused...maybe welcome to vapor talk button that would link to a noobie area with the rules and suggestions for new members ...also I would like a link back to the forum from the shopping area...but the new look of the page is great.
  7. I have been using an automatic battery that came with my kit...I have also been reading alot about manual batteries...is one really better than the other...I'd appreciate your comments....the members here know their stuff and I learn alot from their posts.
  8. Here's a method I use to keep from losing my e-cig...I bought an eyeglass cord...one with the small rubber bands on the end and a spring to tension them...i looped one end through the other so I can put it over my head like a lanyard....the free end I removed the spring and stretched the rubber around my e-cig...keeps it handy when I work and I never misplace it or drop it....Good Luck
  9. There is also a spin method to use after you fill the cart...you put on the battery side cap...the one with the bumper in it...put the cart in a plastic baggie and spin it around a bit...you can then add more juice to the cart using the comdom method.
  10. Here is an excellent video of the condom method of filling carts..it's easy and fast...you use one of the rubber end caps...one without the bumper in it...fill it about half full of juice...then push the cartomizer into the cap mouthpiece side down...watch the other end (the end that screws into the battery) for the appearance of juice...remove the cart from the cap...wipe the threads in case some juice got on it and you're ready to go...
  11. I find the 0 nic carts give me the satisfaction of smoking...like others I enjoy the act of smoking...it's relaxing...I'm waiting for an e-pipe to use when reading.
  12. I just started vaping and am using a KR808D..it's easy to use and the battery lasts a long time...it's a 2 piece and so far produces lots of smoke and the starter kits are reasonably priced...Good Luck
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