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Everything posted by DarellC

  1. I learned to not keep my IPV D2 or 3 in an outside pocket skiing. And especially don't keep the spare batteries in an outside pocket. Lucky I had another backup in an inside pocket. Amazed that the 60pg/40vg juice got so thick. Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk
  2. He is hilarious. He sold me on never buying that mod. It's too SPECIAL for me. And no I couldn't watch it all.
  3. My best vaping place was riding the ski lift with my son this past winter. He was blowing clouds with his latest mech mod & RDA. Me with an IPV mini and Atlantis. Fresh powder with more coming down. And I was able to get oxygen at 11,000 feet without huffing & puffing. And no more trying to light a cig in the wind or taking off gloves to get my nicotine.
  4. Thanks, that makes it easier to navigate.
  5. Am perusing the Forum on a windows 7 confuser using Chrome and finally realized what I was missing was the "Go To First Unread Post" button. Any ideas?
  6. IPV Mini 2, Aspire Atlantis V2 - hits awesome but goes through double the juice of my V1.
  7. Congrats Tam. Thanks for your wise words over the last year of me mostly lurking.
  8. 1) driving car ..... IPV 30 watt mini with Atlantis, sigelei 100 watt with Atlantis - have Kanger sub-tank and need to really give it a fair try 2) at work ..... iIPV mini with Atlantis, sigelei 100 watt with Atlantis 3) watching tv ... iIPV mini with Atlantis, sigelei 100 watt with Atlantis - experimenting with stillaire & kanger sub-tank 4) at bar-resturant .... spinner II with nautilaus
  9. I read somewhere that adjusting the voltage may change symptoms when charging. Suggestion was to spin it to max volts when charging. Might be worth a try.
  10. Shiny and 30 watts. Or will the MVP V3 get bought first? I know I'll buy both have them sent to my son then he can give them to me for Christmas.
  11. Tobacco assortment, think it was Hangsen in my joyetech 510 cigalike.
  12. http://sweet-vapes.com/clearomizers-cartomizers-tanks/aspire/aspire-nautilus.html has 3 styles of replacements for the full size Nauti. and use GETRIDOFCOLUMBUSDAY for a discount code.
  13. I got replacements for the mini at sweet vapes and they have a 10% off hardware sale this weekend.
  14. I have a local B&M (also available via www) coffee that is pretty good that I hit first thing with the morning coffee. Also hit on EC Blends Dragon's Tears - extra good after the wicks have gotten really soaked all night.
  15. No Tam, I wasn't hurt (thanks for asking) just spooked; 2-1/2 years of daily driving from Denver to Colo Springs (~60 miles each way) on a 2-lane highway and came over a hill with nothing to do. Airbags didn't go off, deer flew over the car-have a hoofprint on the windshield. and with the recent nasty hailstorms if it is fixable they could start in mid-December. That drive was really my hardest time to quit smoking.
  16. So, after hitting a deer on the way to work, dealing with 911 services, and fricking insurance company really wanted an analog - or a pack. Don't have any anywhere and just chain vaped until I calmed down. Finally at home and not smoking so added banner to signature. It is getting easier.
  17. I most often use a kindle fire - it's like an android tablet lite.
  18. Thanks, ordered a replacement.
  19. Did you find a good deal? I lost mine golfing today and already miss it. Somewhere around that fourth beer. Lucky I had a spinner also.
  20. Sounds like a "hold my beer, watch this " moment. I vote for boom.
  21. Juice from EC Blends 125 ml dragons blood 50 ml dragons crown 15 ml dragons brew Love the dragon's series.
  22. I'll find out when I get home from business trip as PO says they were delivered today.
  23. As I just ordered some of the single coils that Tam mentioned for my PT3 mini, wont those also work?
  24. Welcome.
  25. Dang kindle isn't editing well. Bought from EC Blends
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