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Everything posted by SALTLIFE

  1. I could see paying $10 or $15 more if the mod was coated after the process just to cover costs of supplies. But then you could never clean it off to a shine and show it off.
  2. Tobh 2.5 came today. Put 24g at .3 n it's ok lol. Gotta grind off the tabs n build it lower when I can.
  3. Yes. I built it at .15 and it's doesn't get as hot as my other attys with the same build. If u wanna go low this is a must have. Same build on my zenith v2 heats up too fast. Great flavor too. I'd buy again.
  4. No tip at all. Saw a pic on another forum n the guy got the tip at vape summit when he bought it. I guess they did a limited run of drip tips lol. But that was ss though.
  5. The zenith v2 is a solid atty. I have the authentic n it's worth every penny. Just got a plumeveil also worth it. My tugboat rips pretty hard too. Huge "youtube" clouds are gonna be produced with 100 or 90 vg and builds at .10 or lower. If your gonna build that low I'd suggest buying an authentic against a clone. That patriot should be perfect for what you're looking for. Make sure you drill out the cap. Start small n work ur way up. Can't put it back in and duct tape looks stupid on attys. Lol. Just make sure you've got at least 25 amp batteries.
  6. Finally got my plumeveil. I think it needs a different tip. ..
  7. Pics or the clouds didn't happen lol!!!
  8. Picked this guy up this morning at my local b&m. Hits very well with great flavor n vapor at .16.
  9. ^^^^ That's what i said too....then I stumbled across cartel mods
  10. That's as low as I'll go. IMHO. ..anything lower then .35 is just burning juice. Better stock up on batteries if ur going into the .4 /.5 range. I still get good taste n vapor. I usually do 10/90 pg/vg but when I got under .4 I use 60/40 or 50/50.
  11. Organic cotton all the way
  12. Everything I expected. Even came with magnets. Zero imperfections. Hits very hard. Great mod
  13. Got this bad boy a week ago or so This is expected today
  14. Maybe slightly but I'd rather have a 5 then a 3 lol. I think it's all a head game.
  15. Steamjunk Ghostberry
  16. Copper Cartel and a Tugboat built to .17 FTW!!!!!! Sorry had to lol All jokes aside great advice given by those before me. A safer way would be to just buy some 100% vg. Walmart in the baking isle. Also get a VTC5 instead.
  17. Steampunk Ghostberry Sweet n sour berry mix
  18. Zenith V2 with copper afc ring and tip. Rips at 0.41 with a VTC5.
  19. Copper Nemmy clone Panzer Black hawk sn# 417
  20. Organic cotton balls are the way to go. I boil mine before I use just to be safe. Keep your wick soaked in juice. Do you have a hole in your atty? How big? I put a smaller hole on opposite side as I like just a little more flow.
  21. Must have been a one time weird thing as they both took a charge now without a hitch. Maybe it's time for a new charger
  22. Put 2 brand new out of box in my charger (trustfire) and the light stays red for hours and they get extremely hot. My MNKEs get left overnight by accident sometimes and never get hot. Any ideas or is the normal
  23. Anyone know of a shop that builds them for you? My local shops never have the guy there and I don't think I'm patient enough to fiddle with the wire lol.
  24. Bubble gum mostly. Cinnamon and vanilla on the weekends
  25. Hcigar Turtle ship w RSST
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