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Everything posted by SALTLIFE

  1. Just ordered the Glas Ti Plus. Hopefully it comes early next week
  2. I passed on the titan. Had a ti and sold it lol.
  3. It was a freebie from the shop i bought it at. Its textured carbon fiber. Im gonna order a new one from vaporskinz.com Their kits seem to cover all sides.
  4. I love my plume. Got it from Vape summit in Vegas when it came out. Even if you throw a chuff on there and build it at .10 or lower it still gets goog flavor. ^^^ lol tried to edit
  5. 24g kanthal 8 wrap on 3mm ohms at .38 This is my ipv3 build
  6. Already have it. Waiting for the Mokume
  7. Cereal killa by 9southvapes I guess being 30 mins from them is a bad thing lol
  8. 2 more left til i have the whole collection
  9. Its another company that makes low resistance wire
  10. There was a thing about gplat containing welding wire or being made from welding wire a while ago.... so i switched to royal wire. Same kind of low resistance wire. Noticed a big difference in taste and length of time before coils became gunky.

    Mutation X

    Recently ive been using a 8 wrap 24g kanthal build. Forget what it ohms out to. Somewhere around .35 to .4.
  12. ^^^ I dont use the charger for that reason. Popping the back off isnt that hard to swap out batteries.
  13. FWIW.... I read on another forum that one of the internal parts thats advertised as ss is really chrome plated brass. Didn't read the whole thread but from what i saw i gathered it was harmful
  14. There is an update that makes it 165w and will read ohms to the hundredth.
  15. The onboard charging will charge 1 battery more then the other. I bought the charger and then put the charged batteries in a efest to find 1 at 4.2 and yhe other at 4.1.

    Mutation X

    Top cap on v2 has diagonal air slots anf its a bigger drip tip. Standard tips do not fit in the v2 top cap. Also the screws have triangular heads. The v2 comes with a tool to fit but its very soft and cheaply made. And the deck looks like a Plumeveil with 4 posts.

    Mutation X

    with 28g try a parallel. Two strands for each coil. I use a 3mm screwdriver to wrap on. Not sure what it will ohm out to cuz I mostly use low resistance wires but it should be lower them .5

    Mutation X

    Definitely duals. That atty was made for super sub ohm builds at the wide open setting.
  19. Blue Magic for any auto parts store for cleaning. If u want to protect it just by a wrap or clear vinyl from an art n crafts store
  20. Just added a copper manhattan to the collection of manhattans
  21. #notaclone #madeintheusa #MERICA #1STCOMPETITIONMOD_EVER
  22. Cereal Killer aka fruity pebbles
  23. Fireworks It's like that red white and blue ice pop
  24. Depends on your build and vape habits. I go through 2 vtc5 batteries in a 8 to 10 hour day. That's at .20 to .25. Heavy hits. If you go a little higher on your build you can get most of the day on 1 battery.
  25. Mark up!!!!!
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