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Everything posted by Conneazoo

  1. Well, guitar stuff is pretty bad. I have about 20 electrics, four acoustics, a bunch of amps, a 6x12 trailer full of PA to gig with........it's endless. However, playing live music is the best "legal" form of escapism that I've ever found. Once someone claps for you or yells "WOOOOO", your more addicted than heroin could ever think of. All of this to be a beer salesman on Friday and Saturday nights. I love it though. Vaping, a few eGos, a couple Vision Spinners, VAMO, Aspire Pyrex BDC tanks, Magneto, Copper Nemi, Brass Stingray, Patriot, Taurus, RSST, Kraken, Kayfun.......and some stuff on the way.........yup. GAS!!! As has been said though, WAAAAYY better than the stankies!!!!
  2. PRS, Charvels, and Jacksons through Mesa/Boogies. I'm a guitar snob! LOL! It's all subjective though. As long as you play what you like, everything is all good. Just like with vaping.
  3. What exactly is your question? Are you wanting to jump into RBAs/RDAs and a mech? If so, while helpful, that chart is nothing more than reference. I's up to you to make sure you are safe.
  4. Bebop, I'm sorry. I have reached my quota of positive votes for the day.
  5. I think the only battle to face is brittleness. Once it's right, vaping will produce heat that is nowhere close to what gets it blued, rainbowed, or whatever. I'm not saying to try it on a Kayfun, or an RDA. Scrap........
  6. Get a scrap piece and try it.
  7. Nice Bebop!! Hell yeah!! Mods are cheaper than guitars though!!
  8. Couldn't you torch it?
  9. Yep. I'm still a noob!!
  10. PS. My Aspire BDCs will probably be no more.......
  11. I got my first one today. Washed it, built it. BAM! Better than the Kraken, better than the RSST, better than the dripp................oh, oh wait......... ........Fogger V4 and Prometheus on the way. Drippers are a different category.
  12. Black Crown Mocha Cappuccino.
  13. Eewwwww...Waaa...Aaaaa...Aaa...AAhh!!!
  14. HAHA. Thanks Josh. Hell man, 3 mods, 5 attys, wire, meters, and another mod and 3 attys on the way........Yeah, I'm in the club! At least cotton is cheap! Plus, it's waaaay cheaper than guitar GAS!!
  15. I have to get the mod and atty buying thing in check!!!! Same thing with playing guitar. G.A.S...... .....Gear Acquisition Syndrome!!!!
  16. Good to know. Thanks guys. The Panzer clone has PVD on the threads. The Nzonic doesn't. Another pro for the Nzonic.
  17. I'm looking at two clones a lot. The Panzer and the Nzonic V5. I'm leaning more towards the Nzonic because it is a 23 mm device where as the Panzer is 25mm. Anyone with experience with these two care to weigh in? Also pros and cons of PVD coating. Thanks in advance!
  18. The Fogger V4 looks very interesting.........
  19. Plus you can drink Everclear!!
  20. Copper Nemi clone by HCigar is a good one.
  21. Plus 1 on the Nitecore charger. I have the i4 and it's rockin'!
  22. Rebuilt the Patriot and much, much better now!!
  23. C'mon dudes. Lucky Charms.....They're magically delicious!!
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