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Everything posted by Conneazoo

  1. I have a Big Fogger (28mm). No complaints. I love me some Kayfuns though!! I think my next purchase will be a Yi Loong Kaiser.
  2. Thanks gents. Just ordered a pair of these.
  3. The V5 is awesome. I like it with 18650 batteries. You will never go wrong wit Sony VTC4s or VTC5s.
  4. Looks nice. Congrats and Happy Birthday!
  5. I have a couple Sony 26650 batts and they are awesome. However, it seems that Sony has stopped manufacturing these specific cells. How do MNKE 26650s compare? I would generally like to stay away from TrustFire and Efest. I have a couple from both of them in 18650 and they simply cannot compare with the Sony VTC4s and VTC5s. Thanks in advance!!
  6. Fadora Vapor's Buttered Popcorn made by our very own Compenstine. All other flavors while partaking in the nectar of the Gods is moot.
  7. Sah-weet!! To echo Fish, your posts are outstanding. I've learned a lot from you.
  8. Yup. Happy 4th...... Things that go boom are fun...... Unless it's your head.......from to many beers.......in the morning.....
  9. Thanks for the words and suggestions guys! I will be investing in some dishwashing gloves and a strap wrench. Also, the mods you mentioned as well. I will have an authentic one day!!! Thanks again.
  10. Thanks for the reply Rich. I'll check out your suggestions. A stuck lock ring is very frustrating, to say the least.......
  11. Are there any that DON'T get stuck? I basically just trashed a Hiemdall clone because the ring was stuck so bad. Grrrrrrrrr! What are y'all doing when your rings get stuck? I tried the freezer thing to no avail. Which mods do you feel have the best locking rings? For me (knock on wood) the Panzer and Raijin clones seem decent.
  12. Dang you two. Cool discussion. Thanks for the good read!
  13. Guitars and amps of course. A new wireless too! Oh wait, vape gas? Sorry....... I'd like to get a Fat Snow Wolf and a Big ol' Kayfun to go with it.
  14. Mocha Cappuccino from Black Crown Vapor is very good.
  15. +1 on the Vaper's Toolbox app. It's the shizz!
  16. That turned out great Vince!!
  17. I have the phantom brass/stainless version by HCigar. No problems at all.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tIhwITwhSg
  19. Buttered Popcorn.
  20. Yep beautiful daughter. I remember when mine was that small. Enjoy it!! Now, where did you find that lamp???
  21. You still gotta rewick and dryburn the coils in the RDAs though, right?
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