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Everything posted by 2BSmokeFree

  1. Very important, only took a couple minutes (had to copy and paste). Thanks for keeping us informed.
  2. Thanks for sharing! This is awesome.
  3. BTW our next door neighbor here is a Flyers fan. No blood shed there either. And we are still friends.
  4. Hey bobthesalesclerk, I know a little something about friendly rivalry. I am a die hard Packer fan married to a die hard Bears fan. Want to come to our house tonight? Yeah baby...Packers and Bears on Monday night football! One of the oldest rivalries in the NFL. My first marriage was to a 49er fan, during the Joe Montana years, and we lived in Northern California. A sister-in-law who was a Cowboy fan, mother-in-law and another sister-in-law...Raiders fans. Amazingly no blood was ever shed in those 10 years. It is tough in forums and such other written forms of communication because you can't "hear" the joking attitude. I will admit I over-reacted. Hate is a strong word in my experience and has no place in "friendly" rivalries. As my husband and I tell each other "Don't be hating". Choose your words wisely and use different emoticons to convey your joking attitude and you won't get replies like my previous one.
  5. BTW check the post by Jeffery from Wordup. They are having a 15% off everything sale. The Janty eGo we got from them was $20.00 off to begin with (they are discontinuing the Janty logo and having Joye make an eGo with their logo). So with another 15% off of that and anything else you order it sounds like a good deal to me. Only thing is it won't ship until next week as they are moving to bigger offices this week.
  6. We had (and still have one DSE 901). We had 3 batteries between the two of us till one broke and my husband lost the other one. We were actually quite happy with it but I never did get the adaptor to use the 510 cartomizers (which we really wanted). Upshot is, I got the eGo kit from Wordup and it is fantastic. Doesn't look like a cigarette like the 901 does and it is heavier. But the vape and the cartomizers are great. Battery life...we got the eGo on Sat. charged them up and haven't put them back on the charger yet. It is now Monday. So 1 full charge 48 hours and still going. And in that time only filled each cartomizer twice. SWEEET!
  7. Done...hope it helps and would like to see the results or feedback.
  8. Hey..you started the topic. If you can't stand the heat..stay out of the kitchen. You invited the feedback, then dis all who disagree with you. I agree..This topic should have been closed before it even started. Or you should have called it "Penguins fans meet here". I'm outta here.
  9. Hey everyone. Ever heard of a team called the Blackhawks? And ummm, who took the 2010 Stanley Cup?? That's all i have to say.
  10. Yep. my last buzz from a cigarette was in 1969 when I first started.I think I get get a bit of a nic overdose when first starting to vape and trying different nic levels and then smoking an analog also to compare. Haven't done that again...it wasn't pleasant.
  11. Another great transaction with Wordup. When my husband lost his ecig (DSE 901), yep he lost the whole thing, I needed to replace it. We were 2 people sharing one ecig We still wanted to use cartomizers so I had some questions. Shot off an email to Jeffery at Wordup. He called me back and as a result I ordered the Janty Ego kit instead of getting replacement parts for the 901. Boy, am I glad I did. BTW the Janty was on sale..$20.00 off...We are both thrilled! I don't know why I didn't go with the Ego kit first off part of the learning process I guess. Enough people on this forum sure suggested it. Anyway, I talked to Jeff on Wed late afternoon and then placed the order. We received our new Ego's today (Sat) and were vaping them in less than an hour! Awesome. And no more sharing one unit Thank you Jeff for the awesome advice and info, fast service and FREE shipping. Wordup is awesome!
  12. That's why I love this forum! You guys are so creative and informative! Thanks for the video.
  13. Excellant article. I posted it to my Facebook wall.
  14. Wow...even more info! My husband decided he is going to stay with what we have and cut down on nic. He doesn't intend to keep vaping very much longer. I will order the KR808, and if I need an adapter, I can always get one. Will check out Vapor4Life also. Thanks a bunch for all the info everyone. I love this site
  15. Wow, that was fast and easy! Thanks guys!!
  16. So we went with the DSE901 Starter kit from WorUp. We are very happy with this unit. I am trying to find cartomizers that we can use with the 901 battery. All I can find is cartomizers for the 510. Do I get these and some kind of adapter or is there a better cartomizer set up for the 901? Any help is appreciated.
  17. I also want to gove a big to WordUp. After the debacle with the kiosk guy, we decided to go with the DSE901 kit from WordUp. Main reason: 3 batteries and tight budget. This was not just for 1 person, my husband and I both needed a setup. Placed the order Monday afternoon, shipped Tuesday...we had it on Thursday. My husband, who was convinced that cartomizers were the only way to go, (mostly because of the experience with the kiosk guy) is now totally happy with his DSE901 3 piece unit! And the Newport Juice is great! I will be placing my next order for more juice and another charger real soon! Way to go WordUp! I am passing their website and this website on to everyone I know!
  18. All of the above. The smell, cough, burned holes in everything, ashes on everything. In the house, the car.Being an outcast "smoker". And we just had our first full day of not smoking at all. Looking forward to cleaning the house and car. Smelling better, feeling better, tasting food in a whole new way. Breathing better! I cannot express what a blessing ecigs have been. For the first time in 40+ years I know I will never smoke another analog! And I had tried EVERY other smoking cessation product known to man. My husband and I are soooooo happy
  19. Thanks so much mercesp. Great videos! I did manage to get the end off of the cato we have but I think I like the condom method better. You are so helpful. Thanks. benjamin..Thanks for that one also. That was helpful after I managed to get the cap off. My problem was I wasn't sure I could do that without completely destroying it.
  20. I have read a bunch of posts about the condom method of filling cartomizers. Is there a video on how to do this or can someone explain it to me? Thanks
  21. I just have to thank you all so much. We are (or were) not really heavy smokers. Smoked a light menthol name brand 100's. we don't need vapor that is going to be like a cloud, med vape is fine. Just looking for an all around good product with decent vape, good batt life, and refillable. We are not slaves to the "smoking gods" just looking for something to replace a light analog that we can use all day and charge while we are sleeping. Is that too much to ask???? Thanks for all the input and feedback...I think we have found the answer. You will know when I have one of those banners that says how many days smoke free, $ saved, and # of analogs avoided. I am sooooooooo looking forward to that!!!
  22. Noob here, so I don't know much about ohms and resistance and all the technical electronic jargon. What I do know is that we are now stuck with the Smoke 51 trio (it's all we have). The standard atty and carts that come with this are crap. We did get some cartomizers (which I believe are the same as the ones I just ordered from VT store for the classic). The vapor is double and they last MUCH longer than the standard atty and carts that come with the trio. Will post again after I receive my order from VT. The cartomizers were SGS and are working just fine on my husbands trio batt.
  23. BTW.. Anything I can order from the VT store, I will. I believe in supporting those who have supported you and I would be so totally lost without this forum. It has truly been a God send and I know that He directed my steps to this site. My first order from VT store shipped today and am looking forward to the arrival.It will at least tide us over until I can order the ego!
  24. WOW! Thanks for all the great feedback..all of you! Since I am shopping for two (my husband and I) I will need more batts and chargers, but that is ok. I think we will go with the ego, since it is compatible with 510? (if i'm getting all this info correctly). Good battery life, decent vapor action....carts or cartomizers, can dd if manual batt...sounds like a winner for us! And the prices at WordUp are so reasonable for what you get. Keep in mind, my only experience so far is with the mall kiosk guy that seemed more interested in selling me what he was "pushing" at the time than selling me something that would actually work for me. I LOVE YOU GUYS! VAPOR TALK ROCKS!!!!
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