Get some 91% alcohol from walgreens and lil tuppermaid container, babyfood jar, anything with a lid. Rinse it under water then drop it in there to soak. After a few hours (I soak mine overnight but most people say a few hours) rinse it REALLY good with water and let it dry.
After it's totally dry (maybe 24 hours or so) drop a few drops of liquid you're going to use into the coil, then screw it in place. Fill your tank with liquid, stand it upright and let it stand about 5 or 10 minutes to soak up all that goodness and let her rip. She'll be good as new.
You can also use pure white vodka, everyone but me and my OCD seems to have way more vodka than rubbing alcohol lying around. I recommend 91 % because I use it, someone else will have to help with the vodka if that's what you prefer to use.
Also, since you used a container with a lid, you can reuse the alcohol. You can soak other vaping stuff in it the same way, just make sure to rinse it thoroughly because you don't want to vape alcohol or burn that taste into your wicks, but between rinsing under the sink and it evaporating I've never had a problem with it residing after its been rinsed and dried.
I would order a pack of coils though if you haven't, if you clean them they will last a while, but not forever. They're cheap online, unless you get lucky and they're affordable at a brick and mortar store near you.