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Everything posted by B80

  1. When I first stopped smoking and started vaping, I became very sick with similar symptoms and more. I wanted to blame it on the e-cig and just go back to analogs, but the truth was it was my body withdrawing from all the nasty toxins I had been smoking for years. I was constantly in here posting questions about illnesses and the overall safety of e-cigs. Over a year later I can honestly say switching to e-cigs was the best decision I ever made. Please keep it up. I would be willing to bet the fuzzy weird head feelings will go away soon. Hopefully 3 months later they already have and you're doing well!
  2. One of my cats seems to LOVE my vaping. She is always trying to stick her nose in my bag of liquids and trying to rub her face on my e-cig. I do try to keep her away from it but it's just funny how determined she is to get her "vape on."
  3. I don't know a lot about Fibromyalgia, but I can tell you that for about the first month I didn't smoke cigs, I had severe body aches and pains. I thought I was dying. It was all the toxins working themselves out of my system, and probably my addiction trying to get me to give in and just start smoking again. So if you have gone completely analog free, that could be what's going on with you as well.
  4. Hi there. When I first quit smoking I experienced the chest pain as well as a wide variety of other symptoms. I was very ill for at least a month. After that it got better. Obviously it doesn't hurt to see a Dr., but I just wanted to tell you my experience was very similar. Keep at it, don't give in. The addiction is what's telling you to give up and just smoke because it's easiest.
  5. Vika, what reviews have you read? From what I understand, no real testing has been done to confirm that vaping is dangerous, or that it is safe for that matter. I'd be interested in where you've read the reviews, since I try to research as much as possible.
  6. I had off work today, and so I vaped alot more than I normally would. Now I'm noticing that my lungs hurt a little, and it's not even really like a pain, more like a "tired" feeling if that makes sense. I think that's what I was asking when I originally asked this question. I've never really gotten a headache or felt "sick" per se, just various little aches and weird feelings.
  7. About every other day or so I take a tissue, napkin, or paper towel and twist it into a small point. Then I gently put it down into the atty and twist it so that the paper product of choice (or PPOC, just made that up now)fills up the inside of the atty. Then I just leave it sit that way for about 15 minutes and when I pull the PPOC out, I am amazed at how much juice comes out. What I also learned today is that a fellow vaper friend of mine also will press the button without vaping just a few times for a few seconds to burn the excess liquid out of the bottom, on top of the PPOC method. You just have to be careful not to blow the atty out if you overheat it. And just to be clear, I read the tissue twist method here from someone else, I just don't remember who so I can't give the appropriate credit. I've never had any luck using vodka or any other method that soaks the atty, it never works again for me after that, so I don't bother. My current atty has been fine for at least a month, maybe longer.
  8. B80


    I had the same experience, and thought there was something wrong with or that I was doing it wrong too. I did end up switching to PG/VG mix, and I do still notice a sensitivity if the liquid's not mixed right, but the coughing has definitely gotten better over time. I think that it was my lungs cleaning themselves out.
  9. The only reason I changed was because it was a different vendor and they didn't have 10mgs. 6 doesn't do anything for me, so I opted for the 12. I am going to go back to the 10 and my regular vendor.
  10. I don't really get headaches or feel sick per se, I just feel like I get some aches and pains and sometimes feel a little lightheaded. I don't know. The nic I'm vaping right now is 12mg as opposed to my normal 10mg, the throat hit is definitely harsher so maybe that's the problem.
  11. Hi Fino! Welcome and congratulations on 8 days! I can tell you that the last analog I tried to smoke made me vomit immediately, it was awful.
  12. I did just switch liquids and am currently using a different distributor than what I normally do. I also had to go with 12mg nic because they dont' have the 10mg that I'm also used to. I have noticed before their juice I think has more PG which I'm a little bit sensitive too. And I know about drinking alot and staying hydrated, but I definitely do not do that. I'm all about the coffee in the mornings which is less than hydrating. I'm just paranoid that this (vaping) is going to end up being bad for me in some way. After all, it seems like everything that is enjoyable ends up being bad for us.
  13. I'm just looking for opinions here, since none of us obviously know for sure, but I'm just wondering if anyone's ever felt they were vaping too much. I know I've read threads about this before on here, but lately I feel like I vape ALOT during the day when I'm working, not so much at home, but then if I go out, I can go through 2 Riva Batts in one night. I can say that I never wake up with that feeling of "UGH, I smoked way too much last night." But lately I've been waking up with sore throats and stuffy, and my lungs seem to hurt a little. This could also be attributed to my allergies, but I just wanted to know if anyone else has ever felt like this from vaping?
  14. Caramel from thevaporroom.net. My new fav.
  15. I am so glad you posted. They were actually next on my list to try!
  16. I want one!!!
  17. I buy all my supplies from Tom and Jess at The Vapor Room but I find their e-liquid to be too harsh for me. I think I must be PG sensitive, and if the mix isn't exactly right, it hurts my throat. Anyway, as far as service they are awesome. I get my stuff no later than 3 days after I order. I have a friend who swears by their e-liquid too, so I'll be curious to hear what you think. Happy Vapes!
  18. I don't think you'll have much luck finding actual stores that carry them. Most suppliers are online only right now. I'm a hands on person too and was lucky enough to have a friend show me hers. This site is probably the next best thing to actually being able to see the product.
  19. It took me a few months to totally give up the analogs. In fact, it took me getting very sick before I did. Now I don't ever crave them. I have had 2 since totally quitting both times because I was out and not prepared (all my batts died on me). Both times made me physically ill. Now I make sure absolutely that I do not run out of batts, and if I do, then it's just time to go home! Good luck and keep on vaping!
  20. Please don't give up yet. I honestly believe that vaping is for ANYONE who smokes. It took me a few months to totally quit the analogs, I thought that vaping wasn't for me either, but I just kept trying and now I'm a vaping fiend, LOL. Check out www.juicyvapor.com. This is where I get the majority of my e-liquids. They're not in Canada but they're close, New York. I always get a PG/VG mix. What flavors have you tried? I had to try all kinds of flavors to find my faves. My friend who introduced me to vaping swore that I would ONLY like tobacco flavors, since I smoked Camel Lights. As it turns out, my husband and I both prefer the more fun fruity flavors.
  21. I stopped worrying about it when I woke up not dead yesterday morning.
  22. I wish that guy wouldn't have walked off the set. It makes him look like he couldn't back up his product. And yes, that woman is clearly an idiot. Maybe Chris should go debate with her.
  23. I don't mind if you guys jack my thread. You've all been really helpful and I think I've got it figured out now.
  24. Thanks again! I'm not too stupid after all! I think I got it. I am definitely going to try the carto drip tip next.
  25. Thanks to both of you. I was definitely dripping too much liquid! I think I'm starting to get the hang of it now and definitely keeping it elevated helps alot. I just borrowed a drip tip from a friend so I'm going to try that now. I had another question for Dayvape - How do you use a drip tip with a carto?
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