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Everything posted by Jolly

  1. the 2mah also will be listed as 2amps, they actually even have wall plugs that have usb coming off them that do the same 2amps. good for when you rather just plug into the wall. personally i dont like cords, so i just use a mod with large mah depending on how much you vape even a 650mah ego could last you up to 4-6hrs. now back to the ohm question, your ohm depends on how warm you want your vape and also how much vapor. now while your mix of pg/vg/nic all play a roll on the throat hit and vapor production, the ohm also plays a critical roll. too high and you aren't going to get much of any vape or hit, too little and you will taste burnt wicking. with 5v you generally want to stick between 2.5ohm to 3ohm with 3.7v you want to stick between 1.5ohm to 2.5ohm there are many ohm ratings, 1.5, 1.8, 2.0, 2.2, 2.5, 2.8, 3.0 (are the target areas with some variation on ohm due to them being mass produced. what the break down really comes to is wattage. just like your lightbulb in your house (attys are the same idea - coil that heats up) most people like the 11ish wattage range you can figure out what wattage a voltage and ohm will do by going to www.google.com and typing the following voltage squared / ohm so if i wanted to figure out how much wattage my 26650 or 18650 wattage would be with the 1.5ohm attys i use would be, heres what i would type (note: all lithium batteries other than 3v cells, charge to 4.2 volts.) 4.2 squared / 1.5 = google will spit out the 11.76 for me (google is a fantastic calculator) so 11.76 is close, either 18650 or 26650 will be a little lower than the 4.2v while under load (under load is the output of the battery while powering something else) usually in the area of 4.0 or 3.9v ANYWAYS try to stick around the 11 wattage range and see how you like it. you can get the same wattage with either 5v or 3.7v in a mod that uses 5v theres really no point in using one unless you have a load of higher ohm attys/cartos. the only thing you are doing is wasting batteries and size of a mod. however people tend to not realize that it all comes down to wattage if you want serious battery life, you can look up my youtube under jollyriffic, about half of the stuff i have built has a video, while im assuming that they wouldnt fit your form factor you can get a general idea of mods that have huge mah or tiny mah. how the sizes differ and all that happy fun junk
  2. yeah a simple "mobile cellphone charger" and bring your PT. whats wrong with the size of a silverbullet or even a 1000mah ego? if you only want to have something the size of a cig, you are pretty much out of luck, they cost a pretty penny for the crappy battery and don't last at all. fashion is what you make it, if you think that a larger mod looks bad its only because you "think" it cant be pulled off. any mod i take out of the house (i never leave with less than 2) people go crazy over; most of whom don't smoke. on a side note; the screwdriver is junk.. wow i haven't heard talk of that device in ages. if you want great vape, get something that uses a 18650 battery ( IMR 18650 more precisely ) with a 1.5ohm atty, it will blow the doors off of a 5v. longest lasting would be the helix (in the case of tube mods) as it uses 26650. these batteries aren't nearly the length of a hot dog, the 18650 is 65mm long or 2.55 inches and 18mm in diameter or 0.7 inches. if you haven't as of yet, i would advise going to a vape meet to hold/use/play with the many mods you will see there. just because you look at it doesnt mean that you will not like it once you try it. i have ate my words many a time after using a device.
  3. if you are looking at the top side of the usb the furthest right mini usb pin is + voltage, and furthest left is - i use and sell a lot of those connectors.. making the hole just right for them can sometimes be a pain if you are going for super clean.. mostly because they arent a box shape like the larger ports you would see on a computer. however you can just cut a square and call it a day
  4. silica rope you want the strands to be independent from each other, when braided they dont hold as much juice and wicking is sub-par vs single strands bunched together.
  5. why top feed? if you want to semi mod it for top feed you can get tubing and just run your own bottle on the side with tube fitted into the driptip after drilling a hole why i ask "why top feed" is because with bottom feeders (snicker) any extra juice will be sucked back down.. so you dont end up with a mouth full of juice from over dripping. (top feeders are drippers for those that dont know)
  6. the helix is a nice mod. personally i dont like the button with a device that big and that holds that much mah, i want a button that feels like rocks smashing together while truckers blow their horns and spitting skoal.. you know, a mans button.. that being said, if you like a button that has about 1/2 of a mm throw and can turn on with pretty much zero pressure.. find one w/e you can, ecf (the forum that i loath) has quite a lot of people on the sales threads so that may be the best place to look
  7. yeah i havent been there for ages and just seen that about 30mins ago when i went over there. maybe its their script but i dont see any content.. but media wiki is a pain to use so maybe i just dont know how to navigate theirs
  8. yeah, i had to reinstall it a few times to get the settings perfect but its looking good now. i didnt want to do a forum because we already have a lot of fantastic forums out there but figured as a community we lack a wiki.. so its the first ever vape wiki.
  9. so i finally got time to finish up http://www.vapewiki.com this site is just like any other wiki, you sign up and you can add content, blogs, articles, etc. check it out, there are no ads, no fees, no nadda crap. i know a lot of you have wrote great how to, reviews, diy juice.. and just figured why not make a wiki to help spread the word. when i have time i'll add my own content. have fun with it and thank you to everyone that jumps on the site
  10. this is what i use for my batteries i needed something since my batteries would always fall off the desk and then i would have to go crawling around the floor.
  11. there are two types of bottom feed needle (can leak back inside your mod) tube feed (no leaking) i cant find the guts of a needle fed mod example of tube fed system
  12. im guessing they use bauway cartos. their cartos are rancid (bauway). find someone that sells boge if you want/need cartos. i use the 306 cartos from boge and they are fantastic. have also used the 510s a lot but the 306 is just hands down a better vape.
  13. the weird taste is the primer they dip them in to keep them from forming corrosion, and also has "as i have been told" an anti-germ additive. theres really no quality control in most ecig manufactures, so your coil could be really tight or really loose. this is why i dont use any ce2 or similar. if you want a good carto, stick with 306 boge. they are by far the best, cheaper, and rock my socks on the juice feeder. taste just like an atty when you juice it.
  14. you may have different versions many of the v4 and down were wound to tightly on the wick causing them to not be able to wick at all. the v5 have a single fat wick that isnt wound up all tight, causing better flow. as for the clear ones, the tubing is thinner; the wicking that comes out you can see goes pretty much at a 90 degree bend, this is very bad for wicking. if you used ce2 v5 on the map tank it would even perform better than it currently does.
  15. li ion like trustfires and ultra mAh ratings are total BS. imr gives a better power curve under load so if li-ion drops a voltage imr would drop less than that. you get a more constant voltage yet less mAh due to that running the batteries out faster. i actually go threw 3 18650 imrs a day (min) with lr on the D cup but usually i do 6v on it.
  16. dude, that's awesome! lol if you mass produced those i would so buy and sell them!
  17. where do i see em
  18. dont boil catos, the glue from the paper will get into the filler and taste like crap. if they do not have a label on them go for it..
  19. lol, once i get back from the philly vape meet im going to bust out a full cup line and stop building all the random stuff.
  20. check my noobie post in my sig. also just because you liked tobacco you may not like it once you vape as your taste comes back since you dont have so much tar in your system anyways to start do like 18mg, if thats to weak or strong adjust. short recap of my post, cig shaped ecigs you get about 30mins of vape and then 2hrs of recharging. at 12$ a battery you dont want to have to buy enough of those just to be able to vape when you want.
  21. thanks, i hope i never get my stuff snatched up. chris has a good amount of times and i dont think people really understand the scope of that. you make a huge order and get nothing.
  22. please name one thing ecig related that doesn't come from another country. unless someone turned the mod/item themselves NOTHING, including your juice isnt from America. hell even drip tips are made in china.
  23. for 100 cartos you will pay close to $60 just on shipping. they do not do anything other than EMS for that type of thing. you don't really get a break on buying direct till you get into the 10,000 unit range. i know this because i just made a bulk order for 306 cartos (imo the best cartos ever and are the same threads as 510) was just going to order enough to last me a while but then seen the shipping cost and was like ok, lets go big.
  24. this for market or for yourself. market would need a solid design as where just for yourself would have totally different specs.
  25. invest in google. they aint going nowhere but up!
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