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charles vapor

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charles vapor last won the day on September 8 2014

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  1. agreed fish, we don't post here to be judged. It's all about finding what works for you and keeps you from smoking anlalogs.
  2. indeed, I have been rocking the same build for about 2 months without changing it, but if it's not broken don't fix it.
  3. I think were all running out of ideas for builds...havent seen much on this thread lately.
  4. out of all the RDAs I have had, I would say the stillare is probably the easiest and best I've worked with (all opinion of course). Like comp said, you can drip with a provari, but it leaves you with fewer options because you have to build at 1.2 or higher. A mech mod would probably be the way to go for dripping (also opinion)
  5. it's like news coverage for the iraq/afghanistan wars, people only want to hear the bad stuff, and people take the smallest detail and portray it to be the worst thing in the world.
  6. new top cap for my 26650 stillare
  7. i second the cartel, I have one and love it, the criticism I hear most often is the lack of a locking ring, but I've never had it fire in my pocket or anything.
  8. someone should of told you not to put 24mg juice in a RDA lol. wow, I could imagine how rough that must of been, and yes the taste difference makes you want to throw all of your tanks away
  9. I'm all about clones, and for a dripper I would say you need a mech mod like the nemesis and all the other ones you listed are good choices as well. It comes down to preference and how the button feels.
  10. it's too loud in here.
  11. I bought that same torch and had nothing but problems with it lol. Hopefully you have better luck.
  12. the IPV I think would be better than the hannah DNA30
  13. i bought a coolfire2 from ebay for like $30 and most places were selling it for $80, and even though I really dont like coolfire2 it worked fine and I ended up selling it to a friend and its still working fine for him.
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