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  1. http://youtu.be/1iw3CjONxCw
  2. Pg may give more throat hit but I've noticed that vg tends to dry out my throat over time which can lead to a mildly sore or scratchy throat. I suggest trying a max pg liquid for a week and then switch to a max vg liquid for a week. Doing that will make it easy to tell how each affects you. From there your choice should be easy.
  3. Did you clean out your tank before use? Sometimes machining oils are left behind from the manufacturing process which could cause any number of symptoms.
  4. In addition to having more throat hit with pg, you will also get better flavor
  5. Gns Vapor out of Lincoln Nebraska just came out with a flavor called "energy" that tastes almost exactly like it. Idk if they do online purchases and ship their juice but it wouldn't hurt to ask. You can find them on Facebook by searching their shop name.
  6. What tank were you using?
  7. Logically you are correct but scientifically they have found otherwise. Check this out: http://www.nature.com/srep/2014/140226/srep04133/full/srep04133.html
  8. I'm using the innokin vtr with the iclear 30s tank. I am using a different flavor so that could very well be it. I'll have to find out if my local venders list pg/vg ratios.
  9. News reporters have no understanding that correlation does not necessary mean causation. My guess is that they were smoking tobacco first and then switched to ecigs.
  10. Right now your going from a product that administers nicotine with rediculous efficiency (dip) to one that delivers nicotine more gradually (ecig). You could get your fix with just the ecig but you would most likely have to suck on it 24/7 to be satisfied. The difference is comparable to drinking a light tea versus expresso to get a caffiene fix. Try cutting the size of your dips in half for a couple days while using your ecig more as a supplement to reduce cravings. Once you get used to that, stop dipping and make sure to use a 24 mg liquid.
  11. I've been cutting out nicotine over the last month or so, and it seems like I get less of a throat hit as I have gone down. I just started a 0 mg liquid and can barely feel any hit at all. Is it the lack of nicotine or am I just gaining tolerance to the effects of the vapor? Also, is there anything I can do to get a better throat hit without changing the nicotine (if that actually is the problem).
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