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    Electronic Cigarettes, Soccer, Football

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  1. Hi All, Thank you for your comments. First of all let me make one thing clear, I am not a vendor. You are welcome to do your research or PM me to ask any questions. CigaretteReviews.org is fairly new for me. The site was purchased a few months back from someone who decided they no longer wanted to run the site. I've been doing reviews on other sites before then. I've a strong background in online marketing and thought I'd put my skills in this area to the test with this site. I came to VaporTalk to find out what others enjoyed to help add more value to the site. I haven't removed White Cloud from the site for one because it has been on CigaretteReviews.org since before I owned the site and the previous owner liked the brand. My goal with CigaretteReviews.org is to provide knowledge on many different brands. I do hope to make some money off the site but by providing other vapers with quality information about each brand. I thought I knew a fair amount about e cigs before joining this forum but am learning quickly that others know a lot more than I do. I am open to adding additional brands to the site so if you've a strong recommendation for additional brands please let me know and I'll do my best to add a quality well researched review to help other fellow vapers make educated decisions on which brand they want to try. I hope this helps to answer some of your questions/concerns. If not let me know and I'll try to answer more. So far I really like the VaporTalk forum and hope to be a contributing member of this forum for a long time. Thanks, David
  2. Hi All, Thanks for the feedback. I do feel like a fool for over paying on this one. I've found other KR808 cheaper and wondered why this one was so much more expensive. How do you all feel about the KR808 overall compared to other e cigarette models? Thanks, David (Feeling like a fool)
  3. White Cloud has updated their Cirrus II and I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with the new design. I ordered one and should have it by Monday. I can't wait to try it out! I've heard some bad things about the old version so just want to see if anyone else has tried the new and improved version. They claim it is 30% shorter and 30% lighter. It has twice the amount of vapor and the battery lasts up to 7.5 hours. I look forward to hearing from you all!
  4. Great information! It's interesting that a study from 1942 shows benefits for vaping. I sure hope further studies are done. And those studies are read by some of the people in the FDA!
  5. I grew up in Jersey and one of the reason I left the area was because of the politics. Jersey/New york politicians always seem to act like they are trying to help the people but usually are doing things just to line their pockets with money. I'm know you're going to say they aren't all like that and I agree. There are some out there that truly look out for the people but it seems like they are the minority and not the majority in NJ/NY. An example is http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2009/07/nj_corruption_probe_full_list.html. Half of North Jersey was involved in corruption trying to make themselves money. I just wonder how much of that cigarette tax will go to help the people and not to line the fat cat politicians pockets. I'm in no way up on politics in Jersey/New york anymore but I'd bet New york politicians aren't going to cut their salaries to help balance the budget. I do understand your point though that increasing the price might help some people quit. Although I'll bet if you took a poll of people in New York (who are probably struggling to make ends meet) will tell you they'll just have to find a way to pay for it. Why don't the politicians find a way to help these people quit smoking instead of making them pay for the states short comings. I'm sure not a penny of that tax will go toward programs to help smokers quit. Just my two cents (for what it's worth)
  6. Just found a great article on NPR about New York adding a new tax as of today (July 1) that will increase the price of a regular pack of cigarettes to around $11. http://tinyurl.com/27mmq7m It amazes me that the state of New York is attacking smokers to help balance their budget. Glad I don't live in New York and extra glad I switched to electronic cigarettes. No way would I pay $11 for a pack of cigarettes. Anyone else know about this?
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