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scott flowers

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  1. ...have you tried adjusting the airflow? Lol. Message me 1cheater and ill try to help you out brother
  2. Thanks brother.
  3. 2 bad eggs. Protank mini. Why? Because I dont like to get a handful OR a mouthful of ejuice. The **** makes me dizzy and mt face pale lol number 2 definetly has to be the fogger v2 rda (not a "tank" but w.e?) Why? Because it shorted out numerous times. Upon doing research im not the only one whos had that problem. Stay away from the fogger.. please lol
  4. Thanks dudes
  5. Sorry for the double comment but idk how to edit. As for sub ohming, Im running .2 ohms on a patriot rda with an mkne 18650 and it hits like a champ for me. With sub ohms always be careful. Neverv vape on a low battery and AS SOON as you notice a loss in vapor production (which you will) be sure to switch out batteries or throw it on the charger and WAIT. Just my 2 cents..
  6. My suggestion to you.. grab the aspire nautilus for your v5. Before mine bit the dust the nautilus worked like a charm. The mkne battery is the way to go in my opinion. Always remember, besides safety tips.. 90% of advice youll get will be strictly opinion based. Take the advice you get and base it around what suits you the best. This is a FACT! if you "like" the aerotank then you will LOVE the nautilus.
  7. Wheres all my fellow memphians at? I know there has to be atleast one. Im surrounded by smokers and have 0 fellow vapers lol
  8. Whats up guys. Mr. Flowers here. Ive actually been vaping for almost 7 months (unsuccesfully) and decided to try it out after realizing my 22 year old lungs have severy degraded after my 9 year run on cigs. I must admit, im still off and on and have recently switched to mech mods and rda's hoping it might give me that huge nic fix ive been so desperately looking for. Mech mods make me paranoid though. Thats one of the reasons why I jumped on here honestly. Always down for new safety tips, good deals on vape gear, and a good vape talk. Anyways, good to meet you all. I look forward to talking with you guys.
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