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Everything posted by msash09c

  1. Thanks for all the help not that I don't want to learn I do but I am a single mother and have two full time jobs so time is hard to come by and as much as I love my vaping I do not have time to spend on making coils and all that! I will work on it a little but much more then that I would be wasting time I could have with my son
  2. I go to my local store and see prices high and I completely understand they have to have higher prices for the simple fact that they have an over head price but while at my local shop they are not just over priced but one man that works there is a lier! They are selling a new liquid which is pretty good but selling it for 8 for 10 ml bottle a man came in said he wanted to try the new ones and began trying some after a few seconds he said that he had looked online and saw they where a little high priced online and wanted to know the price the guy told him it was 8 he said for what size the man told him 10 ml but it's 16 for ml online! This is not true at all I looked online it is 4.50 for 10 ml and for 30 ml it's 10! Not including shipping I just don't understand the point in lying! I am supposed to go buy my mvp today from them and it's 65 a good bit higher then online but I am willing to pay for it to support them but now I'm uncomfortable doing business with a man who lied to a customers face! It's frustrating to me hum anyone else have these types of problems?
  3. I went to my local vape shop and got a visiom spinner they had about 10 there 2 where out of the plastic I ask for one they of course gave me one not in plastic which bums me a little considering it coast more to buy there! I wanna ask for an exchange but I don't want to sound bad I just don't like the thought of them selling me something someone else has used! Idk how to tell them this cause I want one new in the package, anyways I got a new tank they look like an evod can change the coil just like the evod so idk if it's an evod or not but I have two anyways I just bought one tank and the spinner today started vaping at 3.5 is and moved up a little to 3.8 after 4 hours it now has a bit of a metallic taste and it's pissing me off help
  4. I am looking for something simple I don't want a rebuild able atomizer I have to many other things going on in my life to worry about that at this time I want simple and easy
  5. Right now all I have is cheesecake, cherry and a vanilla! I love them all but something seems to be missing! I want a cheese cake flavor that truly taste like cheese cake the one I have it doesn't at all it have no creamy flavor imo! Also I wanting a creamy sweet sweet coffee with some caramel and chocolate flavor in it at well! A coconut sweet that mixes it well and comes threw with other flavors! And fruit flavors that actually taste like the fruit with maybe some sweetness! Also some good dessert flavors with chocolate or anything sweet and creamy! And can someone explain the pg/vg mixes?
  6. I have a ego-t battery does have ego and 510 threading I was wanting to try dripping for around the house and use my tanks for at work! Can someone recommend an attomizers that will last at least a couple weeks! Or longer! And recommend the best place to get a couple! Also I was thinking of getting a mini protank mini would it fit on my ego t?
  7. Last week my boyfriend bought an ecig! Ego-u luxury edition is what the box says but the batteries the batteries are amazing but for some reason they say kik so I was confused on the reason they say kik yet the box says ego-u it has been an amazing little tthing for the first couple of days but now I am getting a weird taste out of it it taste like mettle and menthol mixed which is Nasty how can I fix this? I also bought myself a kit from world vapor it said an ego ce4 kit(it says on the picture ego-t on the batteries) one 900 and one 650 batteries with 510 threading does that mean it will have 510 and ego threading? Also will cartridges work on this style? I just wanted to try a couple! One last thing I know it's hard because everyone has there own choices but what is the best extra parts to have for an ego style battery I want to try dripping and fun things what exactly will I need to try every part of vaping? I just want help to find out what I like the most and I like to switch things up day by day! One last question I swear what's a good menthol flavor that taste kind of like a light or ultra light menthol cig my bf have one eliquid that's menthol but way to much in the menthol flavor for both of us
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