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regal got a reaction from VIAWOL in which should i use 100% cotton or silica wick?
Rayon (cellulose) or if you can't find it use sterile cotton from the drug store. I think they must autoclovae the steril cotton cause it tastes better than non sterile imo. But I find rayon easier to work with.
There are also Gushi cotton pads that you can split in half and cut a perfect 3/16" strip off of, I haven't tried these but they are getting good reviews.
regal got a reaction from Love2VapeDaily in nemisis kick
There is no easy way to determine the wattage being put out since there is no display. You can buy a 20W 2ohm Resistor and solder the ends to each electrode of your tank. Then measure the voltage drop across the resistor.
Finally ohms law gives us the wattage: P =V squared/ resistance.
There is a debate on whats better a nemesis with kick or SVD as they are the same price. I think dialing in to the right power if you swap tanks/juices a lot leans favor to the SVD. Also battery size is no issue at all.
regal got a reaction from big cloudz in Kanger mega aero
The description says the coil works with the aerotank mini, I haven't hear of that just normal and the bigger version
regal got a reaction from big cloudz in Kanger mega aero
The million dollar question is will we be able to buy the base & coil and convert the aerotank protank, anyvape BCC&BCD ? That would be fantastic.
regal reacted to Eaglewtchr in Nemisis Clone - accept 18650 ?
Sorry. You will have 1 piece left. The kick ring at the bottom of the pic. I use just the 2 long pieces top cap and button with 2 different flat top 18650's. The other short ring is the lock ring. Goes on before bottom button.
regal reacted to Earthling789 in Kanger mega aero
The AeroTank, AT Mega, AT mini, PT3, PT3 Mini, Evod2, and T3'D all use the same coil... dual-coil...
These coils are the updated version of the dual-coil, with a solid-sleeve which contains the coil and wick. There are apparently two holes on each side for e-juice to enter the chamber where the coil/wick are housed.
regal reacted to Dasfriek in poor machining of Ebay Nautilus Coils?
I've had this issue with Aerotanks also, But not just on my SVD.
One fix I've done is to pull the base off and take the coil out. Make sure the bottom pin on the coil is not compressing the silicone insert.
With a small tool push the bases pin from the inside out a bit so the Aero base bottom pin will extend out further than normal.
Installing the coil as fast as you can back into the base before the pin goes back to its normal flush position is the goal.
These directions aren't the clearest, but if you can decipher them it may work for you.
Basically what I described is how to make the tanks center pin extend further than normal.
regal got a reaction from Mtdobies in Anyvape with adapter base vs Aerotank
yes it was the original coil, didn't last long before it restricted airflow. You would think cleaning with IPA would fix it but it has no affect.
regal got a reaction from Mtdobies in Anyvape with adapter base vs Aerotank
Wow thanks for the info I'm on the original coil! This place is a wealth of knowledge.
regal got a reaction from Mtdobies in Whatcha Vaping?
I brt that's what those old guys back home in Indiana were using, nobody ever smoked it or bothered to cure it.
regal got a reaction from Mtdobies in Whatcha Vaping?
this was mid south Indiana where it took some mountain man skill to grow tobacco He never smoked it. It was common back then to grow tobacco to protect the garden but never bother smoking it.
regal got a reaction from Mtdobies in Whatcha Vaping?
Seriously I remember Grandpa growing tobacco with is tomato's to keep the bugs away, so its got to be Waltons Mountain.
Anyone have any comments on Vaporite's vanilla's. I'm kind of stuck on them would like to find another brand for backup in case vaporite quits the internet biz or altogether, just don't like having all my eggs in one basket (thait's mountain talk, there.)
regal got a reaction from Mtdobies in Whatcha Vaping?
I am hooked on Vaporite's vanilla's (RY4 & Madagascar tobacco.) Everything else I try tastes awful, but theirs is like gold. Sure hope they stay in business or I'm up Sh*t creek without a paddle.
regal got a reaction from Mtdobies in vaporite organic madascar vanilla tobacco
I agree. I like the Davide much better but I've found the Anyvape comes in 2 models one single coil one double, mine is a double and coils seem impossible to find. I've been using the singles which seem to work OK.
I also ordered an Aerotank, I like the idea of being able to control air flow. I'm going on 2 days no smoking so I can justify this new expensive hobby)
regal got a reaction from Mtdobies in Help 30 years of smoking, can't get VTR adjusted right
After an hour of research it looks like the Davide Anyvape BDC takes Aspire BDC coils and not the Anyvape/Protank One coils I've been using. Funny thing is I think I like the protank 1 coils better. Confusing.
regal got a reaction from Mtdobies in 100%VG - What's the benefit?
The thing I don't get is same brand (different flavor) both 50/50 and one is so much easier to pull a drag. I guess the difference is the atomizer (one davide anyvape other innovate clear.) I prefer an easy drag or pull with a lot of vapor would that be more PG?
Also I just tried a 100% VG version of Vaporites VR4 to compare to their 50/50, the 50/50 is much easier to atomize/vapor, tastest better too.
regal got a reaction from Mtdobies in Price no object favorite RY4's to try
Y'all helped me out a lot with my VTR, in the last 10 days I have only smoked 5 packs of cigarettes and right now I have none in the house. Plan on going all weekend with out smoke. Feel pretty good.
I got lucky and stumbled on a review of RY4 tobacoo blends and the top two seemed hard to find (the review was old) but I found Vaporite VR4 which was recommended in the review.
I really like this flavor over the previous e-juice I was trying (Zen.) I found out right away that the juice is important. The Zen juice I bought because they made my brand of cigarette tubes! The VR4 is such an upgrade.
Now I can't help but wonder if there is another RY4 out there that I would prefer to the VR4, say price no object occational treat? I know this topic has been beaten to death by searching but its hard for me to discern what the connoisseur or Bugatti of the RY$'s ?
regal got a reaction from Tam in Help 30 years of smoking, can't get VTR adjusted right
This may actually be better than cigarettes ! Love the flavor. Took a while but my Lent promise has com to fruition, thanks to you'all.
regal got a reaction from Mtdobies in Help 30 years of smoking, can't get VTR adjusted right
This may actually be better than cigarettes ! Love the flavor. Took a while but my Lent promise has com to fruition, thanks to you'all.
regal got a reaction from Mtdobies in Help 30 years of smoking, can't get VTR adjusted right
The ohms on the coil that came with miy Davies are 2.2. I cranked it up to 10W and stopped inhaling like its a bong (I'm over 40 haven't touched a bong in a long while) and I am getting good results!
The vaporite organic VR4 juice tastes so good, it is amazing how much better than the Zen e-juice I was using. And the Davies tank is better than stock.
I am actually reaching for the VTR over cigarettes. I guess I just like a higher voltage than most since I have fast lungs. But I think thanks to everyones help I am going to be happy with my VTR.
Can't thank everyone enough. I guess I need to stock up on this VR4 before they start taxing it
Thanks again all and I hope I didn't where out my welcome with all my questions but it definitely paid off.
regal reacted to Aquatroy in Help 30 years of smoking, can't get VTR adjusted right
I own and use a VTR daily, it's one of the easiest to use.. But I need
What tank you have it on, and what resistance coil....Then we can set your power levels...
As far as pushing the fire button, I push it a half second before I inhale, and hold it down during the toke.
Try a slow..longer pull...lhard fast pulls don't let the vapor develop..
regal reacted to Tam in Help 30 years of smoking, can't get VTR adjusted right
What Troy said.
Also, the tank that came with the VTR never worked for me. In my experience and personal preference, the wicks just don't absorb the juice fast enough not to give me dry hits and it mutes the flavor more than I like. I would suggest at least looking into getting a Kanger Pro Tank 2 or an Anyvape Davide with a 1.5 or 1.8 ohm coil. The two I named are basically the same tank made by different companies. For me, I prefer the Davide as it seems to give me better performance and flavor.
Vaping is somewhat similar to smoking but not quite. You'll need to learn how to take long, slow inhales. When I smoked, like you, I used to suck hard and fast and be done with a cigarette in no time.
You're no longer a smoker.
Try being more conscious of how you're inhaling. It takes some time to get used to but it's more than worth it.
The amount of vapor you're getting will also be influenced on the PG/VG ratio of your e-liquid. More VG = more vapor. Keep in mind that more VG also means thicker juice so it can have trouble wicking as fast as a thinner juice that you'd get from more PG. I would go with a 50 PG/50 VG or 40 PG/60 VG to start. The 50/50 I use gives me lots of vapor. Also, how much humidity in the air can also determine how much vapor you're getting. More humidity, more vapor.
Good luck, and welcome!
regal reacted to katd29 in Help 30 years of smoking, can't get VTR adjusted right
That's a link to a power chart to use as a starting off point. It helped me a ton when I got my MVP2.0. Hope this will help you too!
regal reacted to Mtdobies in Help 30 years of smoking, can't get VTR adjusted right
Tameiki is right, the tank that came w my vtr is not my favorite either, I'm switching..same issues pretty much.
I personally change my VTR by watts starting @7.0 and Dont mess w the voltage thanks to everyone helping you now, I can grab a quick hit and move on in a hurry but yes I do hit the button sec or two before, and then I get huge Vape, great flavor.