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Everything posted by regal

  1. I am new to this but have been experiementing with various YR4's. I am using a VTR and vapor production has been a challendge. Same company same 50/50pg/vg their VR4 produces moderate vapor. With the madagscar vanilla tobacco (a variant of a YR4) I get a nice strong /fast drag and loads of vapor. I am enjying the heck out of it. So I ordered a bout a dozen different VR4's all 50/50 to see if this is a fluck or what. The only other difference is the Madagascar is in a Davide anyvap bdc, while the CR4 is in the clear 30S that came with the unit. I guess its possible I got some ejuice in the coil tube but I rinsed it with water and let it dry out to the same result. Any idea on why these similar juices perform so differently?
  2. Thanks I was able to stop the order in time.
  3. The thing I don't get is same brand (different flavor) both 50/50 and one is so much easier to pull a drag. I guess the difference is the atomizer (one davide anyvape other innovate clear.) I prefer an easy drag or pull with a lot of vapor would that be more PG? Also I just tried a 100% VG version of Vaporites VR4 to compare to their 50/50, the 50/50 is much easier to atomize/vapor, tastest better too.
  4. Does no one see the contradiction. First two posts are saying the opposite of the last. Which is it?
  5. I guess e-juice hasn't been around long enough to stratify like micro-brewing or wines. I was imagining a few expensive highly regarded brands but I guess Its more of a free for all. Which is probably better.
  6. Yes trial and error to be expected just wanted to start with the top and work my way down. Especially after the poor experience with the Zep e-liquid.
  7. I think I may have screwed up I wanted some lower ohm coils for the tank that came with the VTR I ordered iClear B coils, will these work? Also when switching e liquid what's the best way to clean the tank/coil head is water /drying OK?
  8. I ordered a set of K-Ranger 2 coils replacement coils (vaporite) for the Davide tank, The make a strong pull much better for me, no resistance to the airflow and the vapor keeps up. Highly recommended. The way thinks are looking I'm going to need more than a few tanks so I can switch flavors/ejuice.
  9. Y'all helped me out a lot with my VTR, in the last 10 days I have only smoked 5 packs of cigarettes and right now I have none in the house. Plan on going all weekend with out smoke. Feel pretty good. I got lucky and stumbled on a review of RY4 tobacoo blends and the top two seemed hard to find (the review was old) but I found Vaporite VR4 which was recommended in the review. I really like this flavor over the previous e-juice I was trying (Zen.) I found out right away that the juice is important. The Zen juice I bought because they made my brand of cigarette tubes! The VR4 is such an upgrade. Now I can't help but wonder if there is another RY4 out there that I would prefer to the VR4, say price no object occational treat? I know this topic has been beaten to death by searching but its hard for me to discern what the connoisseur or Bugatti of the RY$'s ?
  10. This is a side project and not nicotine. Most of these coils or of the SEEGO or ebay Chinese. I was just wondering if there was a heavy duty wax/solid coil. No biggie.
  11. This may actually be better than cigarettes ! Love the flavor. Took a while but my Lent promise has com to fruition, thanks to you'all.
  12. The ohms on the coil that came with miy Davies are 2.2. I cranked it up to 10W and stopped inhaling like its a bong (I'm over 40 haven't touched a bong in a long while) and I am getting good results! The vaporite organic VR4 juice tastes so good, it is amazing how much better than the Zen e-juice I was using. And the Davies tank is better than stock. I am actually reaching for the VTR over cigarettes. I guess I just like a higher voltage than most since I have fast lungs. But I think thanks to everyones help I am going to be happy with my VTR. Can't thank everyone enough. I guess I need to stock up on this VR4 before they start taxing it Thanks again all and I hope I didn't where out my welcome with all my questions but it definitely paid off.
  13. Ok I got my Davies tank on your recommendations and a 50/50 VG/PG VR4 from vaporite (ranked #3 on the greatest VR4's list.) Anyway taste is great. But still little to no vapor. I tried 7, 8, 8.5 watts. I am using the brand name IMR batteries, and a respected charger. I guess I am at a point where I may have been screwed on the ITR. I like the design and flexibility (like trips to Colorado), the long last battery and the seemly quality contrustion. I just don't get why vapor doesn't puff when I exhale or inhale. I ruled out the spinning wheel as the ohms read correctly. So I guess I am at point I need to ask, can anyone recommendsimilar product of the same form factor that will fit the Davies tank and take IMR 18650 batteries and have a high power adjustment range, last a 510 adapter. Basically a VTR that work? p.ps. I bought this on ebay months ago and returning isn't an option. Thanks again for your time.
  14. I am burning thru coils real fast, is their a type B or C atomizer with coils that can handle the full 15 amps of the VTR?
  15. I have a bottle of VG and diluted the Zen e-juice as an experiement and it did seem to improve vapor output. Just a crude test till better quality e-juice arrives. I have yet another issue. I had bought a sSeego vhit type b atomizer and the vtr keeps giving me the "non" connection. These are high ohm coils , I even tried connecting straight to the VTR without the adapter and no dice, the protection circuit kicks in. I measure good continuity thru all the adapters and coils. Real mystery.?
  16. From what I gather the freewheeling dial can cause ohmic misreads, luckily mine reads the same as my fluke meter. Just watched a you-tube video with a Ego Ctwist setup and the amount of vapor from that little thing is at least 100x what I'm getting from my VTR. Putting it away till the new davies tank comes and a higher vg juice. Hope that does the trick. Thanks for the help.
  17. One last question. On the other forum I found a long threard about the itaste VTR's wheel located under the tank. Mine is free spinning, supposedly there is an improved rev 2 where that wheel is fixed. Now I just bought this thing a month ago but now I am concerned about this wheel supposed to have something to do with reading ohms of the coils. Is there a fix for owners of the free wheeling version like mine or is this my problem with not producing much vapor? Thanks again
  18. I did read it but my first post in the newbie section I thought said higher PG= more vapor and wanted a third opinion. I ordered a davies tank with two coils on the bottom so the thickness shouldn't be an issue (hopefully). Thankyou for your help. btw Zen is the brand name of the e-juice I have now I suspect it is cheap junk?. Just ordered a 50/50 Vaperite VR4 and hopefully that with the tank will produce some vapor.
  19. What ratio gives the most smoke/steam? I just ordered some 70 PG/30 VG Virginia tobacco in hopes that the higher the PG the more steam. Currently using Zen which isn't producing more than a tiny puff, just isn't cutting it (bought a pack of winstons.) I'm a newbie with a VTR.
  20. Thanks for all the help. The coil resistance on my tank is 2.2 ohm. I will order the Davide tank. I think my e-juice my be part of the problem. Its Zen blue, chose it just because it was the same brand/color as the cigarette filters I was using. Any suggestions on an e-juice that gives the most steam? I know PG= Polyethyle Glycol? So sounds like I'm looking for a 50/50 PG/VG, not sure what VG is. Also not sure even where to start shopping for the e-juice? With my current set up (OEM tank + Zen juice) I think I've exhausted trying different voltages/power, its just not a good combo and gives very little steam. Nothing like what my co-workers are getting with their mini-pots. But it sounds like this VTR has potential so I'll give it a chance with better e-juice and atomizer. One other thing the solid chrome cylinder that fits where the atomizer goes is just an adapter to use 510 atomizers on top correct? The wheel at under neath the atomizer seems to do nothing, it just spins and spins but never tightens..
  21. I've been smoking 30 years. Till I was about 25 I could take it or leave it after that it became an addiction. I am down to 1 pack per day. My wife has recently quit (6 weeks). Owe it to her to quit, as I am proud of her and don't want to drag her down. Now I bought a VTR. I chose this because of the large IMR battery and I have a nice selection of LiIon battery chargers for a flashlight hobby. Anyway I've talked to folks at work who are using I believe they said mini-pots and they get nice big puffs of smoke/steam. The problem with this VTR I bought is there is so much adjustment with volts and wattage that I can't for the life of me find a point to get a bellow of smoke/steam. I am a very fast smoker, I can drag a cigarette in well l under a minute, I pull hard and fast and get back to work. Any way can anyone give me a starting point and how long you hold the button before taking a toke. I seem to get either very dry hot steam or bubbles that don't "pull." Just can't find the sweet spot I guess. The model it itazte VTR, takes 18650 IMR batteries. I have the atomizer it came with. Any starting point on: 1. Voltage 2 Wattage 3 How long to hold the button before taking a drag
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