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Everything posted by regal
Well it all relative, saving even a few bucks a month using ebay for me is beneficial, but if I had the cash to spend $3k a month on car parts I wouldn't miss with it either:) I'm a car guy too so I figured it be OK to lob a grenade at you!
I got a set of nautilus coils where the center pin was too short to make contact so everyone of them read as an open circuit in both my SVD & VTR, The measured fine with a DMM but were unseable.
I've been a chemical engineer 25 years, I've worked in pharmaceuticals even did a stint at phillip morris as a flavoring formulations chemist (brief). Its good to put up a fight and I commend, but in this day in age a good DA can prosecute and any American citizen as a felon, that's the way the laws are written so convoluted that they can put anyone in jail they want. You are obviously more optimistic than me. We are inhaling non FDA approved products, there is no way this will continue fly without a Pfizer, Merck or other big name on it, possible OTC P&G. Either way they will not be of the quality we are used to and cost 10x as much. Underground/dark market will be the only way to keep the ball rolling IMHO. This is of course all hypothetical but its time to start preparing today. Now share your plan that doesn't involve going underground, the whole idea of this thread is to put together a plan while we can still talk about it. The idea is to keep people out of jail in the future while still enjoying the same pursuit of happiness we have today. And most of all this thread is not meant to be adversarial, team work is what we need to get thru whats going to happen.
For those interested in stockpile high quality Maserated Nets after the ban and don't want to DIY, I found a company Quic Nic Juice that sells macerated nets in semi bulk (well largest volume I've seen of the nets companies.) I am focusing in on the maserated niets befause they will probably obviously be the first to go. If we are lucky when this is all said and done are only legal choiced will be FDA approved bland generic flood flavoring vapes (that generally suck.) Folks I know right know its hard to imagine that you won't be able to place your monthly highbrow (example) order but the hammer is coming down. We are going to have to be resourceful and move to the dark web to get quality e-juice, and it will be expensive unless from abroad. I've seen cottage internet industries like this closed up by the gvt too many time, it feels like having your legs macheted off.
Just got my Aspire Nautilus in the mail today!
regal replied to Roxabox's topic in General Vaping Discussion
I got a bad batch of coils off ebay -
I agree we are resourceful but the sooner we start planning the better. The is enough 1000mg/L liquid nic available if you know where to look to build a lifetime supply. As far as WTA I just ordered from Aroma one of their products I haven't tried this yet. But I don't think you can DIY a WTA like you can macerated nets. I guess part of the point of the thread is prepare for the worse because the whole industry can have to go underground. I just don't see Phillip-Morrris and the like or the FDA allowing this cottage industry to continue. I tried to quit smoking for 25 years and never could go more than a day. I've been off combustibles now since good Friday, and its easy I enjoy my SVD and VTR more than cigarettes. I don't see the Chinese quitting producing these for a while. The Aspire and Roo tanks would be the first thing to go so may need to look into RTA's. But I think the hardware will be around a while, its the quality e-juice that I worry about. Imagine if it was taxed like cigarettes. $10 bottles would be $50. But I think an outright ban is more likely, too many new small companies to regulate. There is just tooo much big money at risk For the cigarette industry to allow vaping to continue, mark my words it willll be demonized as murdering people when the FDA starts their propaganda compaings.
Yes it was poor machining of the Nautilus coils, If I knew how to change the title I would, but I will give it a shot. I guess this email is at this point a warning for us ebay shoppers.
Yep Vaperite is my favorite too. I hate to be a Debby Downer but companies like this will be closed down by the FDA at some point. What surprises me about macerated NETS is the volume used, something like 25%, is that right. Going full DIY is going to be a challenge and I see that their is a sub forum for the technical aspects , this thread I wanted to start as a network and a look at obstacle's when D-Day comes.
Its very obvious to me that this industry is soon to be shut down by the FDA, its not a matter of if but when. I understand certain topics are off-limits but I believe the community (vendors included) need to start preparing to go underground. We are in exactly the same place in the eyes of the government as the bath salts industry was in a couple years ago. We will wake up one day and all our vendors will be gone. The one thing in favor for us vs the bath salts craze is vaping is a healthy alternative to smoking, however it wasn't developed by big business and therefore will be killed by big government. I wanted to start the discussion by talking about natural tobacco aditives like Macerated Nets. Where can you find info on buying these and does anyone share recipes for their use?
What ever you do don't dremmel the base of the tank that makes the problem worse, I had to order a new tank unfortunately. I am surprised more haven't run into this issue considering the tank was incompatible with both the VTR and SVD.
I tried both your method and dremelling a little off the base, no luck. I am afraid my box of Nautilus coils may be fakes (bought on ebay). Very frustrating. Also I verified that the coil still read 2 ohms after your mthod. That's whats so frustrating, coil measures fine, SVD is working right but the two together can't connect. I even tried CRC contact cleaner. Just no luck. I ordered another box of coils hopefully I just have a bad lot.
I think this is exactly my issue. Now the nautilus won't work on my VTR either. I am thinking of dremmeling the threads end of the batter connector which should also bring that center pin closer for contact?
No I think that's the issue, I have the other tanks working but the Nautilis is the only one showing an open circuit and won't fir, even without the top ring of the SVD.
Just got my Aspire Nautilus in the mail today!
regal replied to Roxabox's topic in General Vaping Discussion
When it works much better. Better tha the davide tanks too, its the Caddilac of tanks. Mine is currently an open circuit on every coil I try. I thought it was the SVD but my anyvape tanks are working. There may be a compatibility issue in fitmit between the SVD & Nautilus. -
My aero tank won't fit down far enough with the top rSVD etaining ring installed. If I leave that ring off I get contact. Whats my best course of action here a dremel, or fight the ebay seller?
The description says the coil works with the aerotank mini, I haven't hear of that just normal and the bigger version
Just got my Aspire Nautilus in the mail today!
regal replied to Roxabox's topic in General Vaping Discussion
The Nautilus is my favorite tank but its too big for public home useage only. I came home yesterday to enjoy it and I could barely pull air, I fiddled with the air adjustment , its a little better but not much. The coild could maybe be 2 weeks old, I haven't even finished the first tank of high brow ry4. What should I look for restricting flow when I take it apart? -
My Nautilus was my favorite tank, it had extreme airflow/clouds. But today I tried to draw and it is just plugged up or something. Haven't had that issue with the Davide's and I use them a lot more because the Nautilus is to big to take to work.
I've done a lot of experimenting with the anyvape + aerotank adapter. It seems no one else has tried this. Would love to hear some other opinions but I just don't think the anyvape + adapter is as good at producing clouds/flavor as the aerotank.
Just got my Aspire Nautilus in the mail today!
regal replied to Roxabox's topic in General Vaping Discussion
Even NYC only is too much this is the USA and we have a right to pursue happiness. What are legal immigrants who go thry NYC going to think, we have a constitution but disregard it. I'm thinking of buy some bulk nicotine. wonder how much would be a lifetime supply. P.S. they call me Regaloia on the car forums -
yes it was the original coil, didn't last long before it restricted airflow. You would think cleaning with IPA would fix it but it has no affect.
I emailed fadoravapors and he is planning on making coils for the nautilus, they will be single because the dual is impossible to duplicate but he says they will perform well.
As luck would have it my protank3 coils came in today. Brought the Aerotank back to new, no more lung busting drags. It really does raise the question of going RDA or learning to rebuild the coils, 'cause if people are going thru one coil every few days that's almost as expensive as smoking.
Wow thanks for the info I'm on the original coil! This place is a wealth of knowledge.