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Everything posted by regal
DO you put the bottom half of the chimney on before or after you soak the wick?
As in aerotank is better, cause that was I'm seeing. Much more modern and fool-proof. Only issue is the cost of coils.
I live out in the sticks, walmart is an hour drive, people look at my VTR like its a bomb so no local pros. I'm 75% sure that the Kaylights over-rated compared to the Aerotank ,I mean I've been messing with it for a month. But I didn't lose all hope and ordered some of the pre-made coils from fastech.
There is no easy way to determine the wattage being put out since there is no display. You can buy a 20W 2ohm Resistor and solder the ends to each electrode of your tank. Then measure the voltage drop across the resistor. Finally ohms law gives us the wattage: P =V squared/ resistance. There is a debate on whats better a nemesis with kick or SVD as they are the same price. I think dialing in to the right power if you swap tanks/juices a lot leans favor to the SVD. Also battery size is no issue at all.
I figurered it out, clockwise slows down airflow but not enough I can still taste the rayon. So frustrated with these Kaylites I'm switching to dippers. I'l revisit them when I get the prewound coils from fasteck.
Clockwise less air correct? And is the screw underneath opposite the fill hole?
Rayon (cellulose) or if you can't find it use sterile cotton from the drug store. I think they must autoclovae the steril cotton cause it tastes better than non sterile imo. But I find rayon easier to work with. There are also Gushi cotton pads that you can split in half and cut a perfect 3/16" strip off of, I haven't tried these but they are getting good reviews.
I have a couple of these Smok "The Kick" 5-12W units for my nemesis. Is it counter clockwise for more power or the other way around
I am afraid my problem is arthritis and old shaky hands, I did my 12th build last night and it tastes like rayon. I'm switching back to the Aerotank. Hopefully the coils will go down in price.
I could never get a coil and wick that perfect, I'm afraid the Kaylight just isn't my cup of tea.
With a V/V or V/W mod the power or voltage is controlled by a circuit that bucks the voltage and then pulses down to the level you set for. So if you looked at the output on an ascilliscope the voltage would be jumping up and down with the Vrms being the voltage you set (its like an average.) The provari does this much up and down voltage "flickering" faster than an SVD and about anything else, the result is IMHO a smoother vape. The quality is also better as far as threading and the electronics inside. For example I have sent my VTR in for repair twice but have had no issues with my Provari that I bought used. The Provari is also smaller than my SVD. These are just my opinions and you can certainly get by with an SVD, but if you are stuck in the middle of a 12 hr shift and it breaks you end up driving to the convenience store to buy analogs. If you can't afford a Provari at least keep a nemisis clone in your breifcase in case something happens to the SVD.
Nemisis clone with 18500 config and quitting analogs
regal replied to regal's topic in General Vaping Discussion
yea I had a hell of a time figuring out the nemesis mod pieces, especially the one I bought where the ebay seller didn't include all the pieces. -
Nemisis clone with 18500 config and quitting analogs
regal replied to regal's topic in General Vaping Discussion
Wow it took me a couple months and three lost days to figure out how to build a decent Kayfun, I just don't have the manual dexterity for it, I might keep once in circulation but they are such a OITA to build for me. I really like the aero tank for the convenience, even though the coils are ridiculously expensive its still cheaper than smoking. Congrats on the no smoking and building a Kayfun. -
Thanks, I've been watching these micro-coil builds on you-tube and I think they are mis-leading. Where I was going wrongis not being able to pull the wick back and forth thru the coil as you mentioned. The cotton was so tightly packed that the juice couldn't flow thru it. I've got a 2mm coil now and am using rayon, so far I've gone a day without burning the wick.
With my cheapo china nemesis kick module I had to desolder and solder the pin further back to get it to fit my el cheapo nemesis clone. Don't know if that helps here.
Fat Daddy sells what they call their Nemisis Ultimate upgrade. It converts to magnets for the switch, they are thicker magnets and don't shatter like the cheaper ones, they look 2mm thick. But the best part is the bottom screw contact upgrade. My $18 dollar nemesis clone had a nasty habit of getting hung up in a certain part of the throw. This screw completely eliminates that, smooth as silk now. I once even had it stick on before the upgrade and really heatup my battery, hadn't used it since. The other nice thing is the throw is short now so tightening the lock ring isn't such a chore. It also includes a replacement top pin, but I haven't had any issues up there so I'm holding on to that in case I get a tank that doesn't make contact. This upgrade along with a $12 ebay kick-module and this nemesis is really nice. I have another nemesis that included all the pieces for under $20 shipped off ebay that I have setup without a kick and an 18500 battery that is the size and vapes and feels just like a cigar in your hand.
Wow that's a lot different than the micro coil method everyone else is doing, looks a lot easier. I got a box of Rayon and knock on wood, I've been having better luck with the micro coil. thx
I have been trying to build a Tobeco Kaylite fun going on 2 weeks now and seem to have hit a brick wall. I use a 1.5mm rod to build the micro-coil with 30 g kanthal wire. Then I lift it up and heat it with my nemesis squeezing the coil with my ceramic tweezers until the glow starts from the middle of the coil. Then the hard part I pull rolled up sterilized cottom thru the coil and lay the ends crosswise across the deck being careful not to block the siphon groves. I soak this cotton all down with my e-juice and carefully screw on the chimney making sure not to get the ends of the cotton stuck in the threads. I put it all back together, turn it upside down and fill it by squeezing a bottle of ejuice into the hole with the Phillips screw on the bottom. I then install it on my provari or nemesis and experience the most wonderful flavorful vape ever, magical how good it tastes compared to my aero tanks. I can here the juice in the chamber gurgling as I pull the most flavorful intakes I've ever experienced, vapor production is just right. Then in less than a dozen pulls it goes silent and tastes like burnt cotton. I've done this 6 times straight now. Once I get the cotton taste no amount of waiting makes a difference, the only thing I can do to get the flavor back is take it apart and soak the wick with my e-juice again. I know I have a wicking problem but just don't know how to fix it. This is so frustrating its really driving me made. I ordered some Rayon which should be here today but I don't think that will fix it, there is a fundamental total lack of wicking issue that I am missing. Anyone have ideas to help me get over this road block? thx
I've been trying to build a tobecos Kaylite for a few weeks now. I use the micro coil method (1.5mm rod) with sterile cotton. Now I wet the coil with ejuice when I am done and put the chimney on and fill it thru the Phillips screw hole on the bottom. I have tried many variations with the cotton, make sure not to block the channels. I've tried a lot of cotton and a little cotton and in between. What I get is initial heavenly best tatse I've ever experienced but the cotton just quits wicking and I end up with a burnt cotton flavor. I have some rayon to try today, but I feel like I am missing some fundamental for the wicking to not be occurring. If anyone has any input I would appreciate it. thanks
I've got 3 nemesis's now since I found a seller who carries the complete package with every tube for $18. I've gon with a kick and 18650 battery and its nice, a lot like an SVD. But the rarer 18500 no kick config is really my favorite I think. With 2mm thick magnets I can hold it almost like a cigar or cigarette. It is very analog like (with a natural tobacco e-juice.) I think this confuration should be considered by those trying to get off analogs because the hand to mouth action is very similar. My doctor who actually recommended and got me to take a hard look at e-cigs claims that the hand to mouth action is very psychologically ingrained an part of the reason its hard to quit. A nemesis with a 18500 confif one is very much holding and using like an analog. I also recommend a natural tobacco flavor for when you are first trying to quit as they give a true tobacco flavor. The good thing is for the nemesis clone and a couple the purple (efest) batteries its well under $40. Good chargers can be had for $5. For a tank I can't recommend an Aeroclone enough. They can be had under $15 at ebay, and then the identical clones are a fastech for under $7 (but 6-8 week lead time.) They knock the socks off any tanks available, I even prefer the taste to the Kayfun Lite. Only problem is coils are a bit expensive, but I'm finding a wood alcohol soak extends their life to a degree. This is my advice for those trying to quit analogs on a limited budget. And don't be afraid to try 24 mg/ml e-juice. I only smoked 1.5 packs a day but it takes 24 mg juice to keep from craving. Good luck and god bless those of you trying to quit. I smoked for 25 years straight, tried every pill, patch, gum they came up with and nothing worked. However with the e-vaping I quit in a week my last day being good Friday of this year. I don't miss analogs at all. This is a hobby with all the different juices, equipement, and tinkering.
I did a head to head comparison of an aerotank vs a Ephro Kayfun. I get much better flavor with the Aerotank, this is with Vaperites VR4 ejuice 70/30 pg/vg. The Kaylifun tastes great on the intake and is better than the aerotank (on the intake), but on the exhale the flavor is dominated by cotton. Granted this is only my 6th attempt but I used a 5/64 bit with 10 wraps of 30 gauge (got about 2 ohms same as the aerotank.) Head to head the Aerotank is just too easy for the Kaylfun to compete. Maybe I'm doing something wrong but if it takes a magicians hands to build it perfect then that's an issue in my book. Believe me I hate spending over a dollar a coil for the Aerotank but once you've tasted the vapor its hard to use anything else. I guess I would recommend the original poster to try the Aerotank (made by Kanger.)
Do you have a link to the rippers video, I am having wicking issues.
I like mechanicals because without the voltage/wattage regulator the vape is somewhat smoother, but for a VV the provari ranks up close the mechanical, very smooth.
That did it, man I feel stupid. Works great with 18650's now. Even the vendor couldn't figure it out. thanks a lot !
too long, maybey they are leaving room for a kick, is about that too long.