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    Vacuum tube amps/DIY audio electronics, FRS (a car).

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  1. I built an rebuilt a tobeco Kayfun over 2 dozen times and never could get it to work. Finally I ordered an Ephro, and it work first try. So if you are having troube try and ephro
  2. Wouldn't leve the house with one but I prefer dripper to taks by miles. The magma clone I got has flavor and vapor that a tank could never compete with. They are so easy to build I can change flavors in a minute. Basically the couch potato's dream.
  3. I played with building a few of them for 2 months never got to the point where I was comfortable enough it would start burning cotton to leave the house with one. IMHO they are poorly engineered. All the benefits and none of the negatives can be found in the magma, its the Kayfan RDA done right.
  4. If you are interested in nets but haven't tied I stumbled on a real winner. Start with a 1/2 pint canning jar. Fill it with Capt.Black Dark looslely. Fill jar with PG. Heat in a water bath on hot plate or tiny crock pot to about 115f. Hold it there for 24 hrs. Then remove from heat and let sit for a week. Then filter with a big metal turbey injector stuffed with cotton or rayon, Then put a piece of 5 micron felt in fron of the rayon. Now you have a good extract, make sure you label it. Then use the online calculator to mix it how you want and how much nic,etc. I have tried a lot of commercial nets and others diy and this just beats them all plus you know what you are getting. I posted in the gen section because it is so simple anyone can do it and have some of the best net available. There is a synergy between the captain Black Dark and vaping that I can't explain but the two were diffenatily made for one another. And if you run the numbers the ejuice is less than $5 perr 100 ml.
  5. Ether vapes has a ejuice now called "blueberry". I am a light sub ohmin, generally two parallel coils 1.5/1.5= 0.75 ohms. This gives abot 20 watts on a mechanical which is usually just right. I received a little bottle of blueberry from either vspes. This a could tell could handle more, so I put it on my Segelei -30. The juice ran very well at 30 watts. For mech guys that's about 0.5 ohms. Guess its my first sub ohm friendly juice, most I've had can't handle more than 20 watts (which is why I think the new provari and SVD are sticking with20W.).
  6. Where do you buy you plastic needle tip. I sort of need specifics?
  7. I am looking for a specific website and part number for a bottle that works to constantly fill the KFL 3.1 from its fill port on the side.
  8. I was able to pull the broke needle out, time to sell these kaylights I like RDA's much better.
  9. Its the port where you fill. Show me the tool please. thanks
  10. I start with Capt. Blacks Dark (Cavendish). Heat in PG for a couple days at 110F-120F then let steep for at least a week. Then I filter thru mesh SS. Then a big turkey injection needle does the rest of the filtering with tightly packed rayon and 5 micron felt run thru 3x. Then I plug in the recipe calculator for 50/50 pg and nic of choice. It tastes almost the same as a stronger RBFS Caven Fever. I mix at 20% extract. This is probably better than any commercial Cavendish's I've found. The other is a C&D Missippi Mud, same process but you only need 15% extract. The perique is without a doubt more authentic than any of the commercials, its just like a good pipe smoke. Highly recommend. Pretty much have to use a dripper for full flavor experience. But there's decent 30W regulated tube modes now (Seven30/Segelei 30) that make it easy to vape at 0.75 ohms and 18-20W. Wicks last 1 to 2 days. And you can buy premade 1.5 ohm coils on ebay that last a month, so maintaining the RDA isn't much more time consuming than a clearomizer.
  11. When I'm at home its all DIY Nets in RDA's. But I need something for work and aerotanks. I like fruity juices. I;ve tried dabbling with Capelllas grafruit and tangerine but it seems they take more than 20% for any flavor. I stumbled on EC blends's Dragons Bloood which tastes like cherry and crème which I surprising like. Looking for suggestion for either a bulk commercial or DIY fruit ADV?
  12. Is there anyway to salvage this?
  13. I'm trying to nail down the major tobacco types as nets. II use a heat assisted into PG method with a hot plate that has produced fantastic redults. So far I have: Cavendish - Captain Black Dar - my favorite, just unbelieveable flavor Perique - Cornell & Diehl Mississipi Mud pure strong tobacco, no hiding of the perique here A wistminister Virginia mix (I don't like pure Virginia.) I wanted to add a Turkish blend, but when I look at the descritions it seems English and Turkish blends have similar descriptions. Is there a big difference. I ordered Sutcliff Private stock Westminster, reading the description I guess its an English blend. What's a good Turkish Blend?
  14. VTR or Provari. The VTR operates at frequencies nearly as high as the Provari and the form factor is very portable. The provari I'm sure you've heard most of the positives but the superior way it regulates voltage IMHO gives a superior taste.
  15. you can even buy extentions so it will accept 18500 or 18650 batteries, its basically the same device.
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