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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hey all, I just got a Backwoods Brew coupon code for 10% in another forum. It is ECF10. Enjoy!
  2. I am blowing through eLiquid, where can I find current coupon codes?
  3. Shyyyyyt, I want to be buried with my Ego in my hand! The other day my gf and I began, ahem, intimacies and I said to myself out loud "put your vape down," and she replies, "uh, ok, sorry." ROTFLMAO!!! And I wasn't even speaking to her. I have been nic free now for over a year and it's still glued to my hand or lips (aren't bite tips simply dreamy?) I lovingly call it my adult pacifier....and I wouldn't change it for the world!
  4. Unfortunately, I do not have a Wall Street Journal subscription and therefore don't have access to the article beyond the first couple of sentences. Would someone please be so kind as to copy the article in its entirety and email it to me? Please contact me directly for my email. Thank you so much! We have been expecting this....
  5. Hi All, Melinda again.... I am searching around for interesting flavors. Who is your favorite supplier? I was looking at DIY Flavor Shack and they seem to have a lot of unusual eliquids, especially the clove, which is what I used to smoke. Has anyone tried the clove from DIY? And one last query, coupon code resources? Thanks tons everyone!!!
  6. Excellent! Thanks DV
  7. Whew, so glad someone explained THAT to me....hehehehe *wink*
  8. Er, um "condom method?" If you would be so kind to extrapolate on that technique I would greatly appreciate it......
  9. Yes, especially when the answers I get leave me with MORE questions....LOL! First off, thank you for your reply. Secondly, what is "power gear?"
  10. Ok, so I go the the Vapor Talk store to find something to buy and I see "Soft Top 510 Model Cartomizers." Now, I just learned the difference between a cartomizer and an atomizer and now there is this???? Oy. So, I ask the more experienced and educated vapees, what is the difference in relation to the experience and the usage between a soft top and a hard top? Also, what area is this referring to on the cartomizer?
  11. Ok, good to know. Thank you. What juices have you found to work best in the blu? And I too, love the avatar!!!
  12. No vapor. The battery still lights up. Even with a brand new cartridge, I will get like 2 (maybe 3) good pulls, then barely nothing after that.....
  13. I am getting practically no draw after two hits. I keep charging the battery and replacing the cartridge, so it must be the addy. DOH! I really am not blond. I swear!
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