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Everything posted by Cyan

  1. Yeah, it went away after a few hits! Thanks!
  2. I wanted to do a singe 22 gauge parallel coil build in my igo w5. I know the post holes aren't big enough and was wondering what size drill bit (if i even should) i should use to drill out the post holes. Thanks, Chase
  3. I just rebuilt my dripper and am getting a weird taste from my cotton? Could someone tell me how to fix this? And why its happening??
  4. I just see people dipping down to like .2 ohms in builds and was wondering if I could do it!
  5. I understand where y'all are coming from, that's why I asked. I guess i was miss informed by someone that say the chart wasn't accurate with some batteries. I wouldn't do anything that could possibly hurt me an that's the reason I came to people who are more experienced than I am. Thankyou all for the replys and for looking out for noobies to mech mods like myself!
  6. . what?
  7. I have a sony vtc4 and I wanted to know if it was safe to vape below .5 ohms? I've seen a chart online that says it's not but I would like some input from others! thanks, Cyan
  8. Can anyone tell me what drill bit size is equivalent to a 20 gauge syringe needle? Thanks, Cyan
  9. Im currently vaping on The Dude by Alpha Vape. AMAZING flavor, with that peach and pineapple! Any flavors like that???
  10. I stared vaping in highschool to stop smoking regular cigs but it was on and off. I didn't start regular cigs because I vaped, I did it because I was pressured my a friend of mine. I feel like these people don't understand that if kids want to try something they'll try it... smoking a e-cig isn't going to make someone try a regular cig. If the kid is willing to try a e-cig he/she's going to be willing to try a regular cig. That's just my opinion tho! :p
  11. I have a Vamo v2 with a pro tank 2 and it works like a charm! I use the 2.5 ohm coils and vape at 4.5 volts and its awesome!
  12. I'm into fruity juices that have mostly VG. Any good suggestions?? thanks!
  13. I would highly recommend a efest (purple) 18650. They work great and hold a charge like a champ!
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