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Everything posted by Scuba-Matt

  1. Well I see no help offered, I'm out of here.
  2. It doesn't work for me. I can copy it and I can cut it, but I can't paste it in my signature setting. In fact I can't quote or copy and past anything to the forum
  3. Never tired it, and probably won't.
  4. What mod are you going to fire the rda with. Without going crazy you can do a dual coil at 1 ohm, Each coil would be 2 ohms 28 gauge kanthal cotton wick. Use a 100% VG base e liquid. Now if you want real big clouds, Big air holes and sub ohm builds will get you there. Zero nicotine and 100% VG liquid. Are your battery's up to the task of going sub ohm? 30amp IMR's like Sony VTC4 or 5's, Efest purple, LG 30 amp Before you jump into the sub ohm world you'll need to understand ohm's law. Or at least have a site to check your ohms against the amp draw under load the battery's will see. Here is one for you http://www.steam-engine.org/#main Plenty of videos on sub ohm coil building out on you-tube
  5. Change the coil and clean the 510 connection.
  6. Love the article. More ammunition I can use against the anti vape idiots.
  7. It looks like my VTC5's Same triple vent on the positive side. The lowest I go is .4 ohms and my VTC5 battery's don't get to warm. Are the connection pins (screws) on your mod are clean?
  8. When I go to work I take my MVP2 and a full aspire nautilus. I never take anything to nice to work. Boat or helicopter ride out to the job site. Then change and toss your goods into a locker. Wouldn't want to have something expensive get broke or turn up missing.
  9. Dual coil Dripper at .4 ohms is as warm as I like it.
  10. I just can't help but feel that big tobacco and governments are behind all the bad publicity that ecig are getting. Neither wants to lose the revenue that the tobacco products give them.
  11. Welcome, There are a lot of different Ego battery's out there. What mah, finish and vendor will reflect the price. All vendors have different prices. You may not have been ripped off, but you may have over paid. You need to beware when buying anything ecig related. Do your research before buying. Buy from reputable vendors that support forums.
  12. I have both and think they both work well. The nautilus is nice if I'm headed out for the day. It holds a lot of liquid.
  13. Sorry to see your misfortune. I learned my lesson about glass tanks on my tall mods and setting them upright. I broke a kanger tank on my SVD by standing it up. Then along came the cat over went the mod on the tile floor and crack went the glass. I now have a mod stand to keep this from happing again.
  14. Thanks All
  15. Looks like I'll be adding one to my arsenal of mods..
  16. Castle long is on my list of flavors to try. SB's derailed is pretty good.
  17. Nice cloud wicking queen
  18. Sweet cavendish tobacco flavors keep me off the other sweets.
  19. I see it is limited to 16 amps. More than enough for me on my .5 ohm dripper.
  20. Welcome Tax
  21. Congrats on getting off the analogs.
  22. I know what your going through up there. I lived in Michigan for a while. Loved the summers on the lake. (Hubbard Lake)
  23. Just saw this forum and thought I would sign up. Been vaping since December of 13. I haven't had a cigarette since then. Happy to find this place. Matt
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