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Everything posted by hails8tn

  1. Aerotank, protank, t3s, igo, patriot. Nuttin. I guess it just took a crap on it self. Iv only read of one other guy having the same problem and no one answered him about so i guess that its time to lay it in its final resting place
  2. Yeah. I just sucked it up and ordered a new one. Back to the ego twist for the next week =(
  3. Woops. I meant bag
  4. Nope. Iv tried all 3 of my fully charged batteries.
  5. Alright, so iv had my vamo about a month now. Working fine and what not. Then today i was vaping on it, put it in my back for about an hour and now it wont fire for some reason. Batterys at 4.0v the coil reads and everything, but it just wont fire. Any suggestions as to what to do?
  6. So who knows of some good iphone apps related to vaping. Iv seen a few but i was wondering if there are any more updated ones. Such as juice mixing calcs' and what not
  7. Just relooked at the kit. Definitely a good deal. PACKAGE INCLUDES: - (2) Sony 3.7V 2100mAh US18650VTC4 High Drain Li-ion Battery - (1) NITECORE i2 Intellicharger - (1) Includes XL Nimbus Clone (dual airholes) - (10ft) Kanthal Resistance Wire - (5ft) 3mm silica wick
  8. Ah yeah! They do come with a vtc4. Im just not sure if i would save money buying it separately or not.
  9. Oh iv got an understanding on ohms law and everything. The only batteries i foresee myself using is AW IMR and the sony 30A.
  10. Iv recently seen a a sub-ohm kit from vapehappy i do believe, that includes the k101/100 an igo-w and a battery of some sort for right around $100. Doesnt seem like too bad of a deal to me
  11. Yeah, i havent seen many bad things about the k101 or even 100. Personally i think i would like a side fire mod like the natural more than a bottom firing one.
  12. Glad to here i made a good choice as a first buy. Im gonna order some sony batteries and AW IMR soon, as well as a mech mod.
  13. Just thought id ask around and see who all posts pictures and videos of their setups on instagram. Comment your IG name and i'll follow you! @hails8tn (Excuse me if this is the wrong section for this)
  14. Also, genesis style tanks? Im looking at an igo-w since iv heard its pretty good for beginners. What's your guy's input on that?
  15. I sense some hostility in here. Anyways, i dont base anything i find out just from one person. Iv probable read 20-30 posts about each item i buy or want before hand. Granted im not ordering the "real deal" but its a start.
  16. I havent even seen anything about the areotank mega yet. Since im new and all im not really looking to spend more than $40-50 on just one item. So most of what iv been looking at is clones to get a feel for it all and see if i like the way that the particular one smokes.
  17. Hmmmmm. I'll have to look into the aspire. First i have to get rid of the 20+ tabs i have open haha.
  18. I think im gonna run mine around 1.5 ohms. Im not sure what the best voltage will be just yet
  19. So i just ordered a vamo v5 and a kanger protank. Im just getting into the world of mods, so how do you guys think this setup will run? I also got a MKNE 18650 battery as well. PS. I need a few more post so i can post on the classifieds and get a kayfun iv been eyeing =D
  20. Well im new here, the names jason. Iv currently got an T3s with your average ego passthrough battery. Im looking at upping my vape game so into the world of mods i come! Im looking at getting a vamo v5 matched with a kanger aerotank and some AW IMR 18650's. So i have the hardware down but im stuck on liquid! Iv looked all on hardware and got the ropes down, but i cant seem to find a good guide on e-liquid (mixing and whatnots) so if someone can point me in the right direction that would be the jam.!
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