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    Giovanni99 got a reaction from vmshaw in Do you all carry all your juices, tanks etc with you daily?   
    Lets see.......
    2 ego vari twist batteries
    3 battery charger cords
    4 Kanger T3S tanks, (cleaned and filled of course)
    4 extra Kanger coils
    Extra juice (but not too much so I have an excuse to find a new vape store and try their juice)
    Small (airplane size) bottle of Vodka to clean out the tanks
    Pipe cleaners and paper towels

    All fits neatly in a 1 gallon zip lock bag, (with lots of extra room for new juice)

  2. Like
    Giovanni99 got a reaction from Joshuab3687 in Do you all carry all your juices, tanks etc with you daily?   
    Lets see.......
    2 ego vari twist batteries
    3 battery charger cords
    4 Kanger T3S tanks, (cleaned and filled of course)
    4 extra Kanger coils
    Extra juice (but not too much so I have an excuse to find a new vape store and try their juice)
    Small (airplane size) bottle of Vodka to clean out the tanks
    Pipe cleaners and paper towels

    All fits neatly in a 1 gallon zip lock bag, (with lots of extra room for new juice)

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