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Everything posted by famousnate187

  1. Vision spinner all the way I got the 1300mah 2014 model for 20 bucks off eBay and you can pick up a evod tank for 7 bucks
  2. Vision spinner 1300mah I got the battery for 20 bucks on eBay cause i already had tanks but the things awesome variable voltage for 20 bucks and built better then a ego twist
  3. Thx the ones in the kit 2 18350 900mah trustfire and it doesn't say what kind of charger are those any good can you stack the batterys? Is that good or even ok to do?
  4. I ordered a vamo v5 off eBay today the kit and it comes with a ce4 which is crap from what I'm told I'm fairly new to vaping I'm rocking a vision spinner 1300mah right now and I have a evod2 dual bdc , aspire bdc , t3s, and a few cheapo clearomizers which tank would work best on the vamo or what tank should I get? I was thinking aerotank but I really don't see why I need the air flow why not just get a protank 3 Idk please help! And anything else I should get for the vamo or anything else I should know would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  5. Aspire make davide? What's the deal with those?
  6. Just ordered a vamo v2 and I'm not sure what tank to get I have a evod2 dual , aspire est bcd, t3s, and a cheapo one that I use on my vision spinner I was thinking of getting a protank 3 or aerotank but how are the aspire nautilas ? Also my aspire I have now leaks sometimes out the bottom on to the battery. Also what ohms / volts/ watts setup should I go with with what I have now with the spinner and when I get my vamo? I'm confused on all that stuff still any help??
  7. Like I said fairly new to vaping just ordered a vamo v5 kit today though very excited to get it! Can't wait any one got any tips or tricks I should know with the vamo or any suggestions on a good set-up for the vamo?
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