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    Lancaster County, PA USA

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  1. I think it might be dry mouth because when your mouth is dry the ph balance in your mouth is thrown off and your saliva can become acidic try drinking more water or try some biotene or mouthwash
  2. Got some mbv today hawk sauce for free freaking love it! Freckled lemonade mmmmmm so good Wintergreen needs to steep thug juice so far so good a little to much menthol got to many flavor shots I think also got a five pack of aspire dual coils
  3. Found a local shop today Good Prophets in Stevens pa and got.some starship time to blast off shout out to rob there.for hooking it up!
  4. What are your current all day vapes? Flavor and brand?
  5. What kind of contest? Count me in!
  6. Got a aw 18650 charging on the nitecore i4 right now!
  7. It was more of a general statement
  8. Kanger duals mostly and to anything else I've tried for flavor wise
  9. Awesome I'm going to buy some space jam myself today have you tried the pluto?
  10. Well then sit on your thumb and do nothing
  11. Use some variation of tank with aspire bdc coils the flavor is incomparable
  12. What's your favorite I might go with Pluto but I was wondering if the mint is menthol? Or mint flavor? I was also thinking andromeda any thoughts?
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