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Everything posted by BoxModMan
Grats! As every day passes, you will wonder more and more why you smoked in the first place. Your sense of smell will come back, your lung capacity will raise, your stamina will be greater and you will just feel so much better. Oh... and after a few months, the black stuff you cough up will slowly start changing to clear. Good luck and welcome to the world of vaping! BoxModMan
If you vape 3.7... a dual battery boxmod is the way to go. Two 14500 batteries will last a heavy vapor two full days of puffing. Standard 1 batt 3.7 mod will last about a day. BoxModMan
I used to take a screwdriver and put it in a vice with the tip pointed upwards. With it screwed to the bottom of the flashlight, place it over the screwdriver and push down. If it doesn't pop of relatively easy, you got a stubborn one. In that case, hold it in place and tap the top of the flashlight with a rubber mallet. If all else fails, drill that puppy out. I like to save the switches. BoxModMan
The magnetic spacers are definitely the best way to go. BoxModMan
Mmmm... CPU for a PV? Good luck to them... but with cheap mods and pv's out there, I doubt this will ever go anywhere. And sheesh... how big is it going to be with everything they are putting in it? Wow... BoxModMan
If anyone wants to try the blue foam, I can send you out a piece. I got some extra that I don't use. Been flooding left and right when its loose, and burning out atty's when too tight. Still trying to find the right cut... BoxModMan
Not a charging circuit board... its a protective circuit board as mentioned above. Will do nothing for you other than allow you to rebuild a battery, or make a non-protected battery protected. This, however, is what you are looking for. http://cgi.ebay.com/2Pcs-USB-5V-Lithium-Li-ion-Battery-1-Cell-Charger-Board-/250677996943?cmd=ViewItem&pt=AU_Gadgets&hash=item3a5d92ad8f BoxModMan
I notice, that when juice gets older, it starts to take on an "onion" type taste. I don't know if this is the juice going bad from heat, or age, but I only notice the taste on juices that I've had for a while. Not sure... but maybe the juice sat around a while before shipping, or it wasn't properly stored... Never bought from AwesomeVapor... I think they are right around the corner from me. BoxModMan
Beware Of Electronic Cigarettes; They May Not Be As Advertised
BoxModMan replied to Christopher's topic in General Vape News
Actually... Propolyne Glycol (a version of it) is found in antifreeze... but what they don't specify is that its harmless unless ingested *while* in antifreeze... From a website: " Propylene Glycol (PG, Polyethylene Glycol (PEG), and Ethylene Glycol (EG) are all petroleum derivatives that act as solvents, surfactants, and wetting agents. They can easily penetrate the skin, and can weaken protein and cellular structure. In fact, PG penetrates the skin so quickly that the EPA warns factory workers to avoid skin contact, to prevent brain, liver, and kidney abnormalities. PG is present in many stick deodorants, often in heavier concentration than in most industrial applications. (Nyack, Dr. Vin, Ph.D., Biochemist; personal communication). And Propylene Glycol is what is used to carry the “active” ingredients in those transdermal patches INTO YOUR BODY Imagine a bottle of Anti-Freeze in a picture with shampoos, deodorants, cosmetics, lotions and toothpastes? The question you should be asking is …. What’s Anti-Freeze doing IN my shampoos, deodorants, cosmetics, lotions and toothpaste? Yes, the main ingredient in anti-freeze is in all of these products. Shocked? You should be! You need to understand what it could do to your health… PROPYLENE GLYCOL is a colorless, viscous, hygroscopic liquid CH3CHOHCH2OH, used in anti-freeze solutions, in hydraulic fluids, and as a solvent. Also called “Propanediol" American Heritage Encyclopedia Dictionary PROPYLENE GLYCOL is used in: Anti-Freeze * Brake and Hydraulic Fluid * De-Icer * Paints and Coatings * Floor Wax * Laundry Detergents * Pet Food * Tobacco * Cosmetics * Toothpastes * Shampoos * Deodorants * Lotions * Processed Foods and many more personal care items." Its found in everything, including soda's we drink... and has been since the 50's. Craig -
Can't wait to see your creation. The only bad thing about making one box at a time is the price. Buying parts one at a time is always so much more expensive than bulk... making it not worth the time and effort of most people. I commend your effort and cant wait to see your creation! Typical cost of making one mod: $10 soldering iron $3 solder $5 spool of wire $3 3AA battery enclosure $3 Battery Connector $2 Pushbutton $2 Regulator $4 Epoxy This is assuming you have a drill/dremel with bits already to make holes... otherwise you gotta buy one. Some stuff you can get locally, but add tax... the rest add shipping... and you can wind up spending $40+ on one mod! And if you buy extra parts in case you screw up something... I can provide schematics of how to build a 3.7V or a 5V boxmod if anyone wants it. Let me know... Alan
If its only lasting 4 hours, they are building them wrong. The mods I make last up to 3 days on 2x14500's. And leaking? Means there is too many ways for air to enter/escape. I make sure connectors are completely sealed. Odds are that you got a mod with a bad regulator and its probably pushing 6-8V through... 7V+ will pop an atty almost immediately in my experience. If you cant get it working, and are tired of dealing with the supplier, send it to me and I'll fix it for free. (You gotta pay shipping both ways) Let me know. Alan
Whats It Mean When You Cant Blow Threw Your Atty?
BoxModMan replied to SKEEZA's topic in Troubleshooting & Technical Issues
Its possible it was defective from the manufacturer. I've seen lots of atty's where the vent holes are blocked by glue, or the insides settled too low when glued in, blocking off the air. As far as Nhaler goes... I've dealt with them in the past and had absolutely no luck with them. They will do everything they can to say you voided your warranty on it. Wasn't a happy customer, and all I asked for was a replacement for 2 DOA atty's in a purchase of 15. I sent an email in telling them that 2 were DOA, and I wanted replacements. They emailed me back and asked me if I had any other devices to test them on... and I did so I told them I would try my 5V Box and 5v PT... and when he responded back he said, "We won't allow you to return those since you used them on a 5V mod." Even though I only *tested* it on a standard battery... and didn't *try* the 5V device till he told me to try other devices. His loss... I've spent over $6000 in the last 5 months on hardware and supplies. I buy for a lot of friends locally, and I've been known to make mods for people. *g* Alan -
You should be fine w/ the LR if you are using a standard PT and not a home-mad or a HV PT. Alan