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About triquetra

  • Birthday November 15

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    Reading, gardening

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. My morning va pe is:coffee (less), French vanilla (more) + caramel apple (the rest). Yum, wakes you up!
  2. The last one I mixed up was almost all Mandarin Orange with just a few drops Double Chocolate Clear ( from eJuice Monkeys.com). Yum! You gotta go super careful with the chocolate, it's super strong. Next I wanna try Apollo's cherry with chocolate.
  3. I only bought one T3D and as soon as I filled it, it leaked all over the place! Plus the coils for for the T3S's won't fit. Yuck.
  4. Thanks everyone.
  5. 9 am here Pacific time & still haven't gone to bed yet. Been vaping a mix of kiwi/strawberry & a double dose of apple all night, now I switched to a mix of peach & banana. The Puff brand of peach is really bland to me. I have seven 850 MaH batts & over a dozen clearomizers. It was one of those nights I was so bored that I made teeny tiny labels for my disposables since I can't wash them so they get refilled with the same flavors. This will be the 4th time I've gone off analogs, but I know I will never go back. 93 days & 9 hours, 10 minutes! My trick has been to only vape sweet stuff. Vaping the tobacco flavor just made me crave a ciggy & I gave in (prior to Jan 1st. I have the problem right now of either stay up 24 hours straight or sleep for 2 sometimes 3 days. Good thing I have a loving Hubby that checks on me, makes me drink liquids, etc. We lost our son 3 years ago this past March & I always get into a funk for awhile. I really am enjoying my new flavors to cape, needed this new interest and proud that I made it past my 3 month that always got me in the past. I haven't really quit smoking since I still have my nicotine so I don't feel the least bit deprived. So you all will either see a lot of me, or I will disappear for awhile. Sure glad to have found you all.
  6. Gotta do it the hard way right now. 93 days + 9 hours!
  7. Hi, I'm fairly new to vaping also. I read somewhere online that you can get "vape-mouth" by using the same fluid too often and if you switch off to another flavor that will help. Right now I am vaping a mix of peach and banana. This afternoon it may be grape. Hope this helps.
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