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Everything posted by ej1024

  1. Its getting hot cuz its too hot!! Check ur battery
  2. What you guys think of the stillare clone on eBay??
  3. If u drip,straight lung.. If u have a RTA, KAYFUN ETC...mouth to lung/straight lung.. Now if u have a TANK like PT3 or AEROTANK mouth to lung,cause normally those tanks are always tight draw.. UNLESS you drill em or rebuild em.. Now if ur playing CLOUD CHASER and posting it on VINE,INSTAGRAM,YOUTUBE then you SHUT UR MOUTH...LOL
  4. Well im not an expert or anything,just starting conversation..
  5. What are you waiting from FT?
  6. If you want to taste the juice u got to go with at least 50/50 vg/pg Now if u want to blow clouds then go 100%vg but that's not vaping its called PLAYING
  7. Anybody here dripping with tasty vapors?
  8. What are you guys waiting for?
  9. Kayfun on Pisces mod Private V2 with stillare v2 atty
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