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Everything posted by HeatFanatic6

  1. Thank you both for replying! This has been really helpful! Problem is the batteries can't have been anymore than 3 months old. Do they go bad that quick?
  2. I have a Ameravape Manhattan copper mod with a Plume Vale tank running a .2 ohm coil. My battery is a 18650 3.7v 2500mah. I have two of these which I rotate. One of them would fire really weak and I would get less flavor, throat hit, and vapor. But it was only with one of the batteries the other was fine. So I went to my local cape shop and they could find anything wrong with the battery so I just bought a new one and threw the other out. Problem now is the other battery that was perfectly fine before is now giving me weak hits and the other new one fires fine. I've taken my mod apart and tweaked with it. I just don't understand why one battery is firing weak when they're the same exact battery?? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
  3. Also, could it be the flavor? Because I used to vape all kinds of flavors and I enjoyed them. Then I tried fireball which is cinnamon and every other flavor after that tasted awful. So I've been vaping cinnamon for about 2 months straight now. Any suggestions?
  4. I smoke for about a year before I started vaping and I was getting headaches in the beginning so I thought if I went up they'd go away and they did. Now they have come back. I ask the people at my local store and they said go up so I did
  5. Thanks! I'll try backing off on the nic level!
  6. I've been vaping for about a year now, I started at 12mg nicotine and I've worked my way up over the year to 24mg. Every time I feel that urge to vape I take 5-6 drags and I'll start getting a headache around my temples and they'll bulge a little. Does anyone know why? To much nicotine? I love to vape and I'm constantly vaping so should I go down in my nicotine a little? Thanks in advance!
  7. Thanks! Will do!
  8. Sorry I'm new here and I just got a Cool Fire 1. The removable tip at the top has been leaking a little. When I take it off there is a little liquid collected inside and I was just wondering if that's normal. Also, there is a little liquid leaking in the battery. Just wanted to make sure that all this is normal. Thanks in advance! - HeatFanatic6
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