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    Marblehead Mass

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  1. mine from 3 different suppliers and none are marked . i mark them myself and yes i know they are lr's because i meter them . i've had really good luck with the 1.8 ohm ones from altsmoke . cheers
  2. the blue foam is available at your local pet store in the fish section . it's the marineland rite-size U . bonded foam sleeve . for like $5 you can buy 3 lifetimes worth lol
  3. Dawn's a peach . it's so hard when it comes to something so subjective as taste . i've got about a half a gallon of juice that i've bought because someone else recommended this or that . Happy Vaping
  4. you will find that the real sweet spot voltage wise will change from attie to attie , juice to juice and mood to mood . the only way to find it is with true variable voltage . since i got my Buzz 2 weeks ago i'm not always fiddling with it , but wow it's great to be able to "tune" it to my vaping needs !!! you'd be surprised the difference between 5.10 and 5.25v . mmmmm 5.35v when you need a good strong quick hit like when i'm at work and don't have the time to take a nice long slow toke. also the regulated voltage means the same great vape from start to finish , unlike non-regulated which will continually change as the batteries discharge . Happy Buzz customer
  5. another suggestion would be the BB from altsmoke . it's not much bigger than a tornego . uses cheaper replaceable batteries , has a fantastic button/switch and with the new high-drain batts and a lr attie in my opinion is a big step up from the ego . it definately matches or betters the tornego performance wise and just feels better in the hand . personally i hate that little sharp button on the ego . the BB is a very high quality little mod . cheers Woody
  6. "I think I was expecting to taste the flavors more than I do. Do some brands have better flavor than others?" YES many of the vendors just sell juice from one of the big Chinese suppliers , while others will buy and then mix and still others US suppliers mix theirs from scratch . two suppliers i think you might like are https://tastyvapor.us/ and http://www.diyflavorshack.com/
  7. chit , terribly sorry , i misread . i thought she'd posted hers . nevermind
  8. about 60 ml . i used to smoke 2+ packs/day . going on 4 months smoke free
  9. thanx for the tip about wordup , i hadn't heard of them . nice that they're so close and love free shipping
  10. you might want to think about deleting your personal info or asking a moderator to do it for you . just a thought . also i can't recommend the "Buzz" highly enough . love mine cheers Woody
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