Three months is how long MINE last before I have to start charging noticeably more often. There's a lot of variables that go into how long a battery lasts someone. I never said they completely died after three months, either. The only one that seems to be erroneous here is you for assuming everyone should be just like you. If you're such an expert on the matter, I shouldn't even be having to explain these concepts to you. Experiences vary. Just because someone has had a different experience doesn't make them wrong or stupid. Obviously though, this forum is full of narcissistic trolls that think anyone that doesn't have the same experience they do must be wrong... I'm done with this forum. I am so not interested in this drama from those that evidently have no lives to the point they take personal offense to anything that disrupts their trumped up ideas about their expertise. As I pointed out in my introduction here, I'm a laid back person and just came here looking for a place to chat, NOT to argue, swap insults, and have my experiences discounted just because they're not the same as some random strangers. Evidently having any kind of decent communication publicly on the internet left with the nineties never to return. Sorry this new member disrupted your bubble by trying to help some people. I didn't realize that you were the only ones allowed to have any opinions or advice. Maybe it should be posted in the FAQ here so others don't make the same mistake. Sheesh.