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  1. Three months is how long MINE last before I have to start charging noticeably more often. There's a lot of variables that go into how long a battery lasts someone. I never said they completely died after three months, either. The only one that seems to be erroneous here is you for assuming everyone should be just like you. If you're such an expert on the matter, I shouldn't even be having to explain these concepts to you. Experiences vary. Just because someone has had a different experience doesn't make them wrong or stupid. Obviously though, this forum is full of narcissistic trolls that think anyone that doesn't have the same experience they do must be wrong... I'm done with this forum. I am so not interested in this drama from those that evidently have no lives to the point they take personal offense to anything that disrupts their trumped up ideas about their expertise. As I pointed out in my introduction here, I'm a laid back person and just came here looking for a place to chat, NOT to argue, swap insults, and have my experiences discounted just because they're not the same as some random strangers. Evidently having any kind of decent communication publicly on the internet left with the nineties never to return. Sorry this new member disrupted your bubble by trying to help some people. I didn't realize that you were the only ones allowed to have any opinions or advice. Maybe it should be posted in the FAQ here so others don't make the same mistake. Sheesh.
  2. I meant that they're similar looking on the outside and that they both have caps that screw off for refills... Just one is on the bottom, the other on the top.... They're discussing full sized bottom feeding tanks and I'm guessing she find the way they look and act to be intimidating.... Please do not assume someone that is capable of naming specific system types is really that naive. If you don't understand just ask for clarification.
  3. She might go for a bottom feeder clearomizer since it's very similar in look and function to a CE...
  4. There's one I love even more than Dekang's version. Holy grail by vaporbeast.com. O.M.G.
  5. They limit how high they'll go so people go through juice faster and thus buy more of it then they normally would if a higher nic was available. The only vendor I've seen do this were strictly in it for the profit and not very trust worthy.
  6. I had the same taste in cigs you do minus the menthol. IMHO you can't go wrong with Dekang's tobacco flavors. They've got that gritty "dirt" taste that is missing from so many other tobacco flavored liquids. I think they have a pall mall flavor too, but if not, give the 555 and camel flavors a shot. You can pick them up for a little under $10/50ml on FastTech.com but mind you out may take up to a month to get your shipment at your doorstep. If you can't wait that long, I know Madvapes.com is an American vendor that prices their Dekang flavors pretty low, and I'm sure other forum members here know of other american vendors that don't overcharge for Dekang. Good luck!
  7. Just some forewarning, the drip shield is NOT optional with that battery. If you get juice down in the connection and it gets inside the device, you can pretty well kiss your battery goodbye.
  8. I got this today. I was very happy to unload about 120ml of eliquid off a fellow vaper's hands for $10, but she sweetened the deal by sending some little extras as well like a drip tip, extra bottles, and a lanyard.
  9. Get a qtip with a bit of rubbing alcohol and wipe the threading and connections in both (powered off of course). Then either blow really hard inside them (no spit) or better blow then out with canned air. Using a tooth pick or paper clip, make sure the inside pin on the batteries connections is popped up by wiggling it using the pointy tool all around the sides. Try it again. You may need a new charger, but I've found a lot of issues can be resolved just by giving the connections a good cleaning and checking the pins (which are prone to getting stuck in the mashed down position).
  10. Chai tea now....
  11. Sorry I meant twist, LOL It's STAM.
  12. Trying to find something on this on Google but I'm coming up empty handed....
  13. The reason I'm noticing this is because I switch between two of the same battery. Every time I switch my tank to this one, there's a noticeable drop. Checked the center pin, all good there. Twisted the dial several times in case it was just sticking inside somewhere. I suspect it's at 3.2 because it vapes just like the battery is low (but it's not).
  14. I have a brand new Ego spinner that seems like it's not operating at 4.8v like it should on full charge with the dial turned up. I suspect it's a dial issue as it won't change voltages either. Was wondering if anyone knows how to fix this themselves so I don't have to go through the hassle of vendor tech support/return?
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