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Everything posted by samp1590

  1. It's the Trident V2 that im looking at getting (sorry i didn't specify) and ive heard that you get more flavour from the Trident and also that the Omega heats up something mighty. I may just bite the bullet and get both, one for consistant vaping and one to play about with. My Smok Octopus died, didn't take long lol, and now i don't feel right with a KPT2 on my mod.
  2. I've got an option between an omega rda or the trident. can't decide, both get great reviews where I've looked but i'm not fussy, someone help me decide?
  3. good point well made. Slipped my mind completely, my bad!
  4. what's your favourite RDA and why? also is there any you'd reccomend?
  5. I'd suggest an Omega or Trident. Both by far my favourite RDA's
  6. Oh i know I'm not soft enough to go and buy one without looking at the seller ratings and all that stuff lol.
  7. Fair enough dude, thanks for the recommendation I wasn't quite sure on what battery would work best but i you subohm with a vtc4 then it seems like a sensible option. Using cotton as the wick was going to be the next question i asked you, I cant help but find that it works the best in RDA's because it soaks up your Eliquid more so it lasts longer aswell as giving you a lower resistance than the crappy wick that you get standard with the octopus.
  8. Thanks! To eBay I go...
  9. Awesome! I'm running mine on a cheap TrustFire battery at the moment so I'm not even going to attempt subohming until i get a sony battery next week incase it literally explodes.
  10. I don't have one myself yet but so far I've used a friends. I tried using my itaste VV to read it but it comes up with utter bullcrap.
  11. For me it has to be the KangerTech Protank Mini II purely because my Itaste VV VV.3 hated the thing. the Itaste really struggles to read the tank, to be fair to it, when it paired with the Itaste it vaped a treat, but its too small, 1.5ml capacity? no thankyou. Anyway I had the Protank Mini for a week before it started leaking and i ended up with a mouthful of Eliquid. Other people may love this tank, for me its a big no no after my experience.
  12. i bought my first mod and rebuildable atty today, the atomiser's a SMOKtech Octopus and since buying it I haven't bothered rebuilding it at all, having never done it before. Any tips for my first build? And can I use cotton wool? I've seen it used in attys like the Omega or Trident but i cant help but feel this is a slightly different concept (I don quite know why) Also i don't know wether it's safe to subohm on my battery, I have a TrustFire TR 18650 2400mAh 3.7volt battery and from what I've been told, subohming it could blow my face off (literally)
  13. Today I brought a Hcigar sentinel M-16 mod with a smoktech octopus rda, and have a Hcigar omega rda and a Caravela mod on the way along with a kayfun lite pro clone.
  14. I changed the coil to a 2.2ohms coil and now it works fine but now i can't taste ****!
  15. Nope. It started doing this around four days ago, from what I've been told i don't need to change my coil until about a month of use so i don't have any spares at the moment. really? wow okay thanks, i thought they'd last around a month!
  16. It's a 1.8ohms 3 week old coil.
  17. I vape with a Kanger Protank 2 and an iTaste VV setup and my e cig goes through phases of giving off tiny amounts of vapor. Sometimes it works amazingly and others its not even worth pressing the fire button! can anyone suggest how to help?
  18. So I found an E-Pipe on FastTech and the pricing is unbelievable! is this worth the buy or is it genuinely too good to be true? http://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10007023/1569003-hammer-style-mechanical-mod
  19. oops i meant a rebuildable tank/atty and a mechanical mod, I don't know wether that makes any more sense but ah well
  20. I vape with a Kanger Protank 2 and i love it when i'm using 0 nicotine liquids but when i use a 18mg liquid, after a while of vaping my battery gets quite warm, the liquid taste kind of burnt and it just makes me feel unwell when i inhale it. As I said this only happens with liquids containing nicotine, can anyone suggest why? I'd vape with purely 0 nicotine and i try to but when i run out of them i resort to buying crappy nicotine ones from any off-licence locally.
  21. There's a Liberty Flights store local to me but they don't sell mods, the online store i've not checked out but from the prices of their ego starter kits in-store i'd say they're out of my price range.
  22. Fair enough, looks like FastTech it is for me then. Thanks for the help.
  23. I'm looking for a good rebuildable mod but i don't want to pay too much for it, can anyone suggest a good but affordable mod and a reasonably priced vendor to purchase it from?
  24. any chance you could suggest a different vendor? i don't normally buy my ecigs online but i don't want to pay full retail price in a local store.
  25. i have a small ego carry case that i keep my spare tanks and a couple of Eliquids in along with a charger, along with a spare drip tip (mine's loose and sometimes falls out so i keep a spare with me incase it gets lost), and a couple of extra coils.
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