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Everything posted by rowdyplace

  1. All good advice. I do take exception to that particular US cleaner. I have one. It is not powerful enough. I think it also has a short timer. I do agree with using a UC for steeping. But, you want a larger (more powerful) unit with a minimum of an 8 minute timer, Longer is better. http://www.harborfreight.com/25-liter-ultrasonic-cleaner-95563.html is one I like.
  2. +1 for Wizard Labs!
  3. Check out http://packagingoptionsdirect.com/glass-bottles-jars Great prices - fast & free shipping! Just take note ->> you must purchase tops separately. That's not a problem, since together they are inexpensive.
  4. I know you are excited now, but just wait until you mix your very first DIY juice! Now that's something that brings pride and excitement.
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