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bloombloom88 got a reaction from Compenstine in New wrapped coils, burnt hits need help
this is a GREAT idea! -
bloombloom88 reacted to Compenstine in New wrapped coils, burnt hits need help
You know Josh I have been kicking around the Idea of doing one on one over Skype for coil building and DIY Juice making lessons. I think the videos are great that help people build coils and do DIY but to have someone sit down with you and be there to shoot questions at could be nice for some people.
bloombloom88 reacted to Bebop in Iclear 30b troubleshooting help
Apparently they made a couple of good ones. I, like you, didn't get one of those either.
bloombloom88 reacted to Tam in Iclear 30b troubleshooting help
Me, neither. The one that came with my iTaste VTR never worked right. It did, however, look great in my trash can!
bloombloom88 reacted to Crazyavonlady in Rebuilt aerotank coil!
We are part of a local group of vapers, and since I do NOT want to rebuild anything without someone experienced beside me, one of them came over yesterday and rebuilt my aerotank coil and built a dual coil for my husband's dripper. I also have a dual coil in my dripper (built by someone else in our group). My aerotank has the holes drilled out (courtesy of my hubby) and has a 1.2 ohm single nano coil in it. The cloud is comparable to my .62 ohm dripper! I absolutely LOVE how the vaping community is-- everyone is so willing to help out noobs and they take time to help out, and the guys who are showing us how to build coils are taking us step by step, until they (and we) feel safe for us to go at it alone, which shows that this community really CARES about the safety of noobs. (Hello cloud!)
bloombloom88 got a reaction from Vispera in Question about my itaste vv
Thanks for clearing this up for me!
bloombloom88 reacted to Compenstine in Rebuilding coils need help
The only thing I would change in that is the wire size, 28ga will not work well in a KPT head because of the number of wraps it would take to achieve a 2.2 coil. The 28ga would require at least 10 wraps and it would then be to big for the opening. Using 30-32 would be best for starting out.
Also before you even start make sure you have a multimeter to test ohms. Do not even consider sub ohm until you have been building coils for a few months and reading up on battery safety, this is a requirement not a suggestion.
bloombloom88 reacted to fishguy1123 in New guy here
Welcome! If I didn't tick off these guys with my questions you will be fine!!! lol I started asking even before I bought anything..... Lots of good info and great ppl to help you on your way here.
bloombloom88 reacted to Bushwick in New guy here
Welcome to VT! I'm pretty sure a large number of us came here to ask questions and to learn. So don't feel bad about asking them!
If you have a question, look around in the forums to see if you can find an answer. Chances are, whatever you are curious about has already been asked/answered. If you can't find it, then just ask! I'm still learning alot from these guys.
bloombloom88 got a reaction from Bushwick in New guy here
My names Chris I'm new to the forum and to vaping. I have ALOT of questions and want to learn as much as I can, so if you see several posts from me, please bare with me!