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Everything posted by LoriHNC

  1. This is a clip from that article that should been seen as a positive. "But in a letter to the Electronic Cigarette Association, the FDA said the actions against the companies were not meant to be seen as a larger effort to ban e-cigs. The agency encouraged the industry group to work with the FDA to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the devices to help people quit smoking traditional cigarettes through usually expensive clinical trials. "We are interested in finding out whether e-cigarettes can be proven safe and effective," FDA compliance lawyer Michael Levy said in a conference call."
  2. Making it a controlled pharmaceutical that you can only get with a doctors prescription? And probably with a very low amount of nicotine in a pre-filled cartridge? The greed in this country's government is beyond sickening. They are nosey and controlling.
  3. Is this true? Are things getting harder to get now? That scares me.
  4. It would be difficult for me to tell whether nic keeps me up because I've been having difficulty getting to sleep for years. My previous job caused my internal time clock to be whacko. I worked a crazy schedule from 8-8 or 12 noon-4 a.m then back to 10a.m.-midnight, etc. It's was 50+ hrs/wk of hell. I usually go to bed after Leno or while Jimmy Kimmel is on. I am an anti-morning person. I growl before noon. I drink alot of diet pepsi but I changed it to caffeine free a year ago with no changes. So perhaps it is the nic. I should also try and use a low nic after a certain time. Granted, when I am asleep, I am like a bear hibernating. lol Glad you are sleeping better.
  5. I do enjoy it and you're right, it is fun. I'm just happy to have come this far and to have not smoked a cigarette in a few months. My family didn't even think I could do it. The other day my husband said to me "Aren't you sick of that thing yet"? He meant the ecig. I firmly said "No, no I'm not" lol He gave up cigarettes cold turkey New Years Day of this year but still smokes those cigarette sized cigars. I could, in no shape or form, quit cold turkey. I'd lose my mind and probably kill everyone in my path. But then again, he didn't smoke as much as I did. I was 2 packs/day and he was a pack every 2 1/2 days. So I shall try to nic reduce but I'm in no hurry to quit vaping.
  6. Interesting. I'm seeing the trend being most people vape frequently (constantly) all day. I do as well so now I don't feel so bad. I am going to try nic reduction though. The less nic, the less I should feel the "need" to vape. I'd like to be like FTJoe and his wife and be "weekend vapers", but thats not happening any time soon. The problem or good thing with vaping when compared to cigs is that they taste so darn good and it's fun.
  7. Thats great Nana. I will start to follow that step-down and hope for the best. For you to go from 48 to 0 is an amazing feat, in my opinion. And theres not a darned thing wrong with vaping 0, just for the enjoyment. Thanks
  8. I think I'll take the suggestions to try 18 mg or at least alternate it with 24 and see how it goes. Maybe it's not so much the nic craving as it is the act of vaping. I may not notice the difference in nic reduction.
  9. I've been vaping for a few months now and I'm loving it. It seems to become a new hobby for most. What I'm wondering is why I feel the need to constantly vape. I'm not working right now so my access to my ecig isn't very limited. I want to know how others have disciplined themselves to put their ecig down for periods of time. I don't know if I'm vaping to satisfy the nic need all of the time, as I am in the habitual aspect. I vape 24 mg and I really want to reduce this soon. I smoked 2 packs cigs/day for 30ish years so I realize that it's going to be a gradual process to break the nic habit. How long do you break between vaping? Do you vape more than you smoked analogs? Is it difficult when you reduce nic level? Thank you for your input and experience with this.
  10. I personally have tried some of Viking Vapor's liquids and very much liked a few of them. I think what I like most about them is the amount of flavor they have. I have difficulty tasting flavors so a more potent flavor is for me. I tend to like the maple/nutty type flavors rather than fruity so I like VV's French Toast, Cheesecake, English Toffee and cotton candy. I do also like the watermelon, it's just like a jolly rancher. As someone mentioned, the Caramel Apple isn't that great and I didn't like the Orange Cream either. Again, it's up to each person. They do have great prices and are fast with shipping. Good luck
  11. Have you tried the medium res cartos from vaporsetc? They are like 2.5 ohm and work great on my eGo and tornado. They are not loose and airy like the 3.0+ ohm regular cartos. I was leery at first but I love em. And I think Dayvape has mentioned he likes these cartos too Only problem is, Vaporsetc is out of all colors at the moment. Madvapes carries a good 2.5 ohm carto too.
  12. uh oh, Joe only has 4 posts left to 2000 and has 11+ days to go for his year mark. Can he do it??
  13. yeah I only use 3.0+ ohmage on my 5v PT. I use med res on the eGo which are great. I think I'll stick with these until I branch out into the portable 5v world.
  14. Are V4L cartos medium res also? I like the resistance of the 2.5 ohm.
  15. I sure hope I didn't say anything wrong. I also learned something on this thread. Apparently I misunderstood about the usage of LR attys and cartos on a 510 battery when I first started out. I did it and it worked out so I didn't have a lesson to learn. Now I have. I'm sorry if I misguided you owutaqt. Things will all work out. Everyone here is very helpful.
  16. I'm on day 3 using one of these cartos and it's still going strong and tastes fine. Just kept adding juice. These are great!
  17. I missed this info along the line. I didn't see anything happen with the batteries but then again, I went to a tornado and eGo shortly after so I don't use the regular 510's anymore. I was more under the assumption that you can't use a LR on a higher volt battery.
  18. I was never told that you couldn't use a LR atty or cartomizer on a standard 510 battery, what I read is that I should try it if I didn't like the loose draw on regular ones. Thats how I vaped when I started. It works just fine. Good luck with everything. Sometimes information is contradicted depending on preference. Have fun.
  19. Wow! Don't try to steal his vaping supplies lol
  20. Oh, no I didn't try that but it makes sense cuz it's acting like it's not connecting cuz it's doing NOTHING. Just air. I'll try that and see. Tanks Edit: I couldn't find a paperclip so I used a safety pin point. It didn't fix the problem and I stuck my finger. OUCH!
  21. Just watched it, and thats pretty cool how they work. I'm guessing there wouldn't be any harshness that filler can sometimes have. I know Dayvape, gotta keep em wet
  22. I just got a couple boxes on Friday and so far I like them alot. I'm using them on my eGo. I did have one that wouldn't work, like a dud and another that seems like it's lower res than 2.5 but the other 2 I've tried are great. No harshness, great vapors etc...hahaha
  23. So that I understand, these ceramic cartos don't have filler? Just a plastic well that releases liquid to the atty as needed?
  24. Huh? Aluminum foil? What does that do...or how is it used? Do you use it in cartos?
  25. hmmm, I'll pass on the pizza but thanks I know all about sweet tea, I'm in NC. That combo with vodka is good stuff
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