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Everything posted by LoriHNC

  1. My "seemingly delayed" response from the FDA about the letter I sent on the 9th. Dear Lori: Thank you for your message to the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), one of the six centers within the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). We appreciate your thoughts and suggestions regarding this issue. They are much appreciated and have been noted. Sincerely, Division of Drug Information D202D This communication is consistent with 21 CFR 10.85 (k) and constitutes an informal communication that represents our best judgment at this time but does not constitute an advisory opinion, does not necessarily represent the formal position of FDA, and does not bind or otherwise obligate or commit the agency to the views expressed. For up-to-date drug information, follow the FDA's Division of Drug Information on Twitter at FDA_Drug_Info
  2. An ecig kit was sent to Obama on his birthday by talk show host Wendy Williams (whoever she is). http://voices.washingtonpost.com/celebritology/2010/08/a_very_special_gift_for_presid.html
  3. You're quite welcome. You have helped me so much since I started vaping, answering all of my questions and guiding me in the best direction with all the parts and such. And in language I understood. Some of the terms when I first got here were foreign to me. You're right, we will all celebrate this mark if they let us.
  4. Strange that it seems to be the women having trouble with tasting liquid. I also can taste everything else fine. Weird huh? I ordered some liquid from Tasty Vapor last night and like 10 bottles of flavorings. I'll make these suckers so I can taste em! lol
  5. Congrats to our friend FTJOE who is celebrating his 1 year anniversary smoke free today! Way to go Joe! Hey that rhymes. Maybe someone can make a rap song.
  6. Good advice, I will chill on orders for now. And yeah, I must get clothes. Winters are fairly mild but still chilly in NC. Woohoo tomorrow is the big day Joe!
  7. Okay, I really need to stop looking at ecig sites. I have placed 3 orders today. Tell me you can browse these sites without getting the urge to order?? lol I need to get some fall clothes. At this rate, I'll be naked, but have all of my ecig supplies.
  8. lol I know, I have that but I'm always afraid I'll screw something up and ruin my juice. Thanks though
  9. lol I probably will go with that much too....or more.
  10. I couldn't remember who else here had trouble with flavors as well, now I won't forget Nana I wonder why that is though? Did our taste buds burn out from smoking through the years? PS Where do you get your flavorings from?
  11. Thanks Brian. I should have mentioned that I'm one of those people that have trouble tasting flavor so I may want to add a tad more and adjust the equation accordingly.
  12. If I'm starting with 15 ml of 36mg VG with nic and I want to make 20 mg nic juice, how much more VG and flavoring do I add? Also, to make it 18 mg would be good too. Thanks a bunch!
  13. Perhaps when the time comes, a protest would be a good idea?!?! Or numerous ones in different parts of the country. I have Charlotte, NC covered, and with me, possibly Madvapes, Sharp Smoker and other nearby suppliers/vapers. "ECIG ECIG ECIG ECIG...."
  14. I've been a basket case since of this FDA stuff came out yesterday. I'm fearing that the walls will come crumbling down on us, and soon. I, like most of us, do NOT want to resort to smoking cigarettes again. I doubt there is much we can do about what is to occur either. Should I/we be submitting orders like crazy to ensure we have enough supplies for a good while? Will all suppliers have to cease and desist from selling altogether once receiving "the letter"? My guess is that liquid is the biggest factor. Does the FDA have the right to stop hardware from being purchased? Who has already placed panic orders? I ordered some liquid so far but I'm out of work and this is difficult.
  15. Very well said. This should be sent to state and federal representatives. There are links in this thread to write them.
  16. So you think we could possibly still get nic liquid and parts from out of the country if theres a US ban? Isn't customs stopping it from coming in?
  17. Wow, I'd be interested in knowing how that is done. Very cool.
  18. Okay, that article doesn't sound too good. It sounds like all ecig suppliers will be getting a letter to conform to FDA guidelines or not sell them.
  19. I will write to all of them. In order for this to be effective though, everyone here and all Vapers of America, must do the same. We gotta be heard!
  20. "Trust me, it's not us paying off the FDA " Not yet, anyway. Taxation hasn't started.
  21. Of course they don't want to take a cut in sales. It's not about our health and whats better for us. If that were the case, the FDA would have targeted cigarette manufacturers 50 years ago, as they should have. Maybe my dad would still be here if they had.
  22. Chris? Have you received an abundance of orders since this came out? I'm just wondering how scarce things are going to get in the coming weeks.
  23. Like many of us, I agree that regulation would be tolerated. I mean, there will never be anything we can do about taxation. It's here to stay. But, the FDA needs to perform testing before just closing the doors. It seems that these articles are pointing to suppliers that don't provide information to the consumer that ecigs are not a proven smoking cessation device. That, and suppliers adding other things to their liquids. Seriously, why would you use your ecig to get an erection? I thought the cig was afterwards.
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