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Everything posted by LoriHNC

  1. Just ordered a couple of boxes from ENS. I will let ya know how I like them, or how I don't.
  2. Thanks Aimee. I think I will order some of those. About being 26...I think I'd like to be and correct the things I did that I shouldn't have.
  3. Got an email from Ross at Vaporsetc and he told me to mail the cartos back for a refund, which is very nice. I told him that he must be frazzled with this issue. He said that he is getting some new samples of medium resistance cartos in soon so hopefully they will be awesome. He's gonna let me know. Great guy!
  4. "ahp uhm uh err ugg" What did she say? Seriously though, they are SO VERY UN-INFORMED
  5. Thats good to know. I'd give 2.0 a try. I consider medium res between 2.0-2.6. Some of the very low res burn too hot and taste burnt but those are like 1.7. Thanks Day Shihzam, I usually do that paperclip thing too and it helps some, but theres nothing like a newly fired carto When I was at madvapes the other day, Mark gave me a mega carto to try. I haven't yet but I'm anxious to see how they work.
  6. I agree that they aluminum threaded cartos work the best, however I don't believe you can get those in a medium resistance carto. I've only seen those in the regular 510 3.0ish ohm. If I'm wrong and there is, please direct me. Also, if you know of other places that carry medium resistance besides vaporsetc, madvapes and nhaler, please also let me know. Thanks I just emailed Ross at Vaporsetc to see if I can return these boxes that won't connect, I am waiting to hear back. He did email me last night and asked me to try pulling out the threaded end center some, I did that and as soon as I screw it onto the battery, it goes right back in. I tried putting it on gently and not tightly to avoid that, but it didn't work. I feel bad for the guy, as this seems to be a growing issue. I read on ECF today that many are having the same troubles. What sucks is that these Tru Vapor cartos are awesome when working well. I bought some madvapes 2.5 ohm cartos which I like but did like the tru vapors better. I find that the ones from madvapes fizzle out after a day, they get tight on the draw and gummy too quick, but that might be my using all or mostly VG too. That just didnt seem to happen with the tru vapors. And yes Dayvape, I do keep them wet
  7. Seems cartos are a popular thread, so I'll add another. I think it was Aimee that posted the other day regarding her issues with DOA cartos and such. I had responded that I too had a bunch that were unusable. I had more than a box that had a metallic/burnt taste that wouldn't go away so I emailed vaporsetc about it. He replied that he had been having an issue with the filler that was used in a certain lot. He said this would be corrected in his new shipment. Well I just got a couple of boxes from the new shipment and now these don't seem to be making connection. I tried 2 so far. Those of you that have tried Tru Vapor cartos from there, know that the threaded bottom has an odd design....two lifted large commas or smiley faces to try and describe it. I tried pulling the center out some but it still wont work. I tried them on my eGo and on the Tornado and also on the mega 510. Does anyone have a fix for this? I am frustrated since I have been out of cartos for some time.
  8. I normally get double flavor were I can. I'm sorry but I haven't yet tried Nhalers liquids. Like Nana, I do like Tasty Vapors doublers since I find it difficult to taste vape flavors. I'm sure someone has tried them here though. Good luck
  9. What ticks me off is that ecigs have to be "formally proven" on paper to say they work to quit smoking, yet cigarettes are accepted and ap-proved to knowingly kill you. I would like to think that the FDA has a war on their hands if they ban ecigs, because it would clearly make NO SENSE! Thanks for posting that article. Maybe we can sign up Katherine Heigl to join us in our fight
  10. I've had trouble with my last few orders of cartos myself. One was from Vaporsetc. (2.4 ohm Tru Vapor) Out of 3 boxes, more than a box of them were unusable. They weren't dead, but they had a metallic/burnt taste that couldn't be resolved. It was horrid. I wrote to them and he said that they had a problem with the filler that had been used in a lot of them. It has since been resolved and I just ordered some more. He did send me a replacement box, but that was before they corrected the problem and that whole box wasn't usuable. I also had a couple of DOA 2.4 ohm cartos from Madvapes recently. What I am noticing from cartos is that certain ones will make me cough. I use only or mostly VG and never cough from using various attys so I know it's the cartos. So far, I like the Tru Vapor from vaporsetc the best...when the filler is right I agree about attys and them being costly to lay out money for at once. I am limited for funding this and can't afford to take losses from faulty equipment. Most places will make good, but when you're out of things, it's difficult to wait. Someone on here (Dayvape??)posted that they buy bulk cartos. I don't know where but I'm interested in knowing where that is and how much would be saved in buying bulk. Sorry you're having troubles. I hope you get it straightened out.
  11. Good luck with your marathon. Go for the win!
  12. "Your circulation will improve and your lung functioning will increase up to 30% within two weeks to three months after quitting." This one I noticed as soon as it occurred, and probably damn close to the couple of month mark. I am thin and was always cold. I blamed it on my circulation, but never blamed smoking. Funny how we defended the hold smoking had on us. I would go into the freezer or cold sections of the supermarkets and would have tingling/numbness in my toes and fingers because of the cold. I haven't had this happen since about 60 days after giving up cigarettes. Gotta love it.
  13. "How Quickly Do the Benefits of Quitting Start?" * "Just 20 minutes after your last cigarette, your blood pressure and pulse rate drop to normal and the body temperature of your hands and feet increases to normal." * "A mere 8 hours after your last smoke, the carbon monoxide level decreases and the oxygen level in your blood increases to normal." * "Just 24 hours after your last cigarette, you substantially lessen your chances of having a heart attack." * "Two days after your last cigarette, you will notice that your ability to taste and smell is enhanced." * "Three days later, your breathing should be noticeably better because your lung capacity will be greater." * "Your circulation will improve and your lung functioning will increase up to 30% within two weeks to three months after quitting." * "Between one month and nine months, the cilia in your lungs will regenerate, allowing your body to clean your lungs and reduce infection." * "One year after quitting, your risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker." * "Five years after quitting, your risk of stroke is reduced to that of a nonsmoker." * "Ten years after quitting, the lung cancer death rate is about half that of a continuing smokers. The risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney and pancreas decreases." * "Fifteen years after quitting, your risk of coronary heart disease is that of a nonsmokers. (U.S. Surgeon General's Reports (1988, 1990)
  14. Way to go! Time does go by fast and easy with vaping
  15. I just read that article. Good arguement but not-so-good ecig choice I read many of the comments below it and can't believe how ignorant so many people are that have never smoked. They are calling us "second class citizens"
  16. Some of the first liquids I tried were either all PG or mostly all. I started to notice my throat getting progressively scratchy and hoarse like. I was coughing all the time and clearing my throat. It was suggested I try more VG based juices. The coughing, scratchiness, etc. stopped. I was using 100% VG after that. Recently I tried some juices that are like 80 VG/20 PG and even 60/40 from tasty vapor that I'm fine with. I am noticing the improvement in taste too. You're right about VG being too thick for cartos though. I got some 24mg which was 70/30 vg/pg and then cut it with all vg to make it 12 mg, and wow, it makes it hard to draw on a carto and it seems the carto's die out fast, like in a day.
  17. If there's not already a thread about it, I think it would be helpful to have a supplier list that tells us what their VG/PG ratio is. I am a mostly VG vaper and before I can order from a new place, I usually have to wait for a reply email if I can't search the answer in the forums or on the sites themselves. Some don't list it at all. If you know a particular suppliers ratios or whether they are a "choice" supplier where you can pick how you want your liquid made, please add it to this thread. Thanks. To start... What is the VG/PG ratio for Vapor Talk liquids?
  18. A few days ago I noticed Madvapes has the 2 amp car chargers on sale for $6.99 http://www.madvapes.com/2-amp-Car-to-USB-Adapter_p_2358.html Just thought I'd maybe save ya a few bucks. I assume this one is the same as Joe suggested. Oh and the fast usb chargers are on cheap there too $3.99 http://www.madvapes.com/510-USB-Charger_p_2034.html Good luck Uma. I had a helluva time with my car setup a few months back. I should have just asked the questions you just did
  19. I also tried boiling like 20 of them the other day. Like Aimee said, the kitchen smelled of flavoring and I was nervous about the nic fumes in the air, so, I too, turned the hood fan on and got fresh air often. Can't be too careful with that! I dried and blew them out for like 2 days and tried one. I didn't like the taste so I tried another, then another. I can't seem to get them to the new, or slightly new taste again and I'm not sure I can. Maybe I'll try the booger sucker method. I also worry about the residues that may be vaped after cleaning them and possible bacteria growth. We need to be cautious. There's just nothing like a new carto providing flavor and taste for a secure clean, safe vaping experience So, you aren't the only one that didn't have a good experience with boiling cartos Aimee. Maybe we just need to try the methods suggested. Good luck
  20. LOL You're too funny Uma....BUT I have done this too. I want bits and pieces from like 5 places. In a perfect vaping world (which I don't know if we'll see), it would be one stop shopping. Maybe like BJ's Club. Imagine warehouse vaping supplies? lol
  21. Brian is right. I have only used ecigs for about 3-1/2 months now and I was very fortunate to find this forum to research "the good and the not so good" brands and such. I took the advice of long time vapers here and ordered a joye 510 kit. It came with 2 complete setups, charger and 5 cartridges for $35. The parts are pretty standard purchase for the 510 too. Brian is right, cartridges aren't equal to a pack of cigarettes. You'll want to add liquid or change the cartridge after a few "drags". Plus, the liquid they prefill those cartridges with tastes pretty cruddy. The authentic look and feel seems to be what first time buyers look for in an ecig, but after using it for a day, that will go out the window. You'll want a long lasting battery, sturdy product, etc. over the look of it. They are all mostly too heavy to leave in your mouth like a cigarette too. There's just so many false claims out there, you have to be careful. My sister and niece fell for an electronic cigarette scam a few months ago, called Prada. They keep sending new supplies and charging your account, like a contract club type thing. Good luck and I highly recommend the advice of veteran vapers on this site.
  22. I thought I was the only one that added drops often through the day. I usually start one off with about 5-6 drops to make sure it's not a dud, then I add another 8 or so, and then another 5-6 again in about an hour. I do believe I use alot more liquid with cartos than with attys, and liquid that I'm not getting total use of. I meant to add: I've been getting quite a few "dud" cartos. Out of my last 3 boxes from vaporsetc, I'd say I had 4 bad ones. By dud, I mean the taste is totally burnt and awful tasting. I tried the pin thing to open it up more and it still tastes bad. Anyone else experiencing this?
  23. You are very right Uma...he is a great guy. Hi Lori, I am sorry, wow! I get a 6 month guarantee from the supplier, so I can send you out a new one today. You are lucky! I just got mega's in!
  24. Thanks Uma. I got it at Clouds of Vapor. I'm not sure about their exchange/refund policy but I'll find out. I ordered this on Aug 28 and probably got it and started using it the first week of Sept. so it's not even a month.
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