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Everything posted by LoriHNC

  1. Funny you should say that, I asked about it there the other day Would be something I enjoy
  2. Hello everyone. It's been a while since I've posted. I do read the forum though, so don't talk bad about me cuz I'll see it. lol I still vape, and vape, and vape, and....and while I'm at 0 mg nic, I still have days that I need a pinch, so I have a 8 mg bottle made up for times such as that. Still so much better than those cancer sticks. I use a Roughstack Mod from Madvapes that I've painted all female(y)and like it alot. I make biweekly trips there for my cartos and such. They are expanding quite a bit. Shelving and things were being delivered when I was there yesterday and they are constantly busy. Awesome customer service there too. Theres a new mod coming out soon that has a 3000 mAh battery. It's quite nice looking too. We all know that when new stuff comes out, that we gotta try them lol, or want to anyway. It's the nature of this hobbie/obsession we have here. Well, just wanted to say hi and I hope everyone is doing well. Still job hunting here. It's no fun being broke all the time. Have a great weekend Lori
  3. Thanks all, I appreciate it. I will try some of the suggestions. Kits, I also add flavor to premixed to help and also some ethyl malto to sweeten them up. I will remember to put you on the flavor-block list Mastiffmom
  4. I know that you are both like me with having difficulty getting taste/flavor from vaping so I have to ask....besides Tasty Vapor, what other supplier has deeply flavored liquids? And maybe ones that will double flavor that you've tried. I love Tasty Vapor liquids, but I thought I'd experiment with some others. Thanks a bunch and Merry Christmas
  5. Well, isn't this a great Christmas gift!! What good news this is. A step in the right direction for sure. Unusual I must say, when dealing with the FDA. But YEEEHAWWW!
  6. Way to go!!! Here's to another vaping year ahead
  7. oooh I'm so excited...RECIPES!!!
  8. Thank you soooo much for the ideas Kits. They do sound yummy. I will try them and see how it goes. Like you said, I'll add more of something if needed. Kinda like cooking if something needs more salt, etc. When I hear menthol, I cringe. I really dislike mint and menthol. I don't think I would like it. You really can't taste it? Would you know what would go in Banana's Foster? I was thinking banana (of course lol), caramel, sweet cream perhaps, jamaican rum....what would you think? I also wouldn't know the amounts. Thanks so much for your help I'll let you know how it goes.
  9. Yea, I don't see me whipping up any exotic desserts right away lol I'll try 1 or 2 flavorings at most initially so I don't waste alot. I know that Kits is the mixologist around these parts. Can't wait to learn from her. Thx
  10. I will probably have to add more than 30% too Nana. I can't taste what everyone else does either lol We done wored out ar taste buds. Cotton candy in coffee sounds interesting. Cotton candy is kinda like ethyl malto to me. Good sweet stuff. Thanks
  11. uh yea, I kinda got click happy with the flavor order. Note: Don't order flavors if you haven't eaten yet.
  12. oh yeah, I forgot, it's gotta be mega flavored for me :)I don't taste them well so I'll need to load up, probably like 30% flavor
  13. Howdy Well I feel very accomplished. I have been vaping 0 mg for 9 days now and it's great. I should have listened to people earlier on when suggesting to cut down nic, that I wouldn't notice a big difference. I didn't notice, and don't seem to miss anything. So, thx FTJoe and the many others that recommended trying it. So, now I need recipes. I picked up a bottle of VG/PG and have these flavorings: DIY Flavorshack Black Cherry Banana Cream Banana Donut Cheesecake Butter Marshmallow Pound Cake Caramel Perfumers Apprentice Dulce De Leche Toasted Almond Banana Cheesecake Pear Waffle Coffee Bavarian Cream Pistachio Sweet Cream Toasted Marshmallow Caramel Jamaican Rum Pumpkin Brown Sugar Strawberry Peanut Butter Chocolate Ethyl Malto liquid I like sweet flavors (as you can tell by those flavorings) and one of my favorites is Banana's Foster. I don't know how to mix it though. I seem to like desserty types of flavors too. Anyone that has any recipe ideas for me, using my inventory, would be appreciated. Thanks bunches
  14. I told Jeff a while back that this was one of my favs as well. Temples of Syrinx...great song Showing our age
  15. At first glance, it looks like a dental tool to me lol
  16. Jolly makes variable voltage mods too? I didn't know that. I don't see that on his link. I want to get info on these...
  17. Okay, so I did some 'sperimentin and am now liking the ENS cartos. I think initially it was the liquid I was using that made a harsh taste. I was using 12-15 mg nic juice. The last few days, I've been vaping Tasty Vapor 0 nic and I like it. It's double flavor 70% VG Banana's Foster. Good S@%#!! I think using too high of a nic content, makes a harsher odd taste in a LR carto.
  18. $5 x 30 = $200 LOL...this guy is a half bath short of a condo
  19. Sorry to hear about what you went through Esig. Sounds like you're recovering awesomely. My mom and dad both had renal cell carcinoma and had nephrectomies. They did fine with one kidney. Drink lots of cranberry juice
  20. I would be curious to hear from 0 mg vapers, as to whether anyone that is 0 nic experiences this blurriness at all. FTJoe?
  21. I know this is in the wrong category but I just wanted to ask people to go vote in the PIF contest, as it ends in an hour or so. Sometimes forum members only read the General Discussion page and might not see the other sections. And yea, I'm campaigning I promise to be a faithful vaper and help to persuade the FDA rulings, if they don't see it our way. "YES WE CAN!!"
  22. It's strange how this subject came up, and I was thinking about it recently. I'm at the point in my life where vision tends to deteriorate some, on it's own. My up close vision has been bad for about 5 years. I wear only one contact lens in my up close eye, as the optometrist said my other eye is perfect. It saves me money too. My prescription has been the same for the last 3 years, and in the last month or so, I'm noticing my near vision is blurred. My prescription isn't working like it did. If I put my glasses on with my contact, it's good. I'm also noticing this blurriness while driving and thats not good. I was attributing this to normal age deterioration, and I'd hate to think vaping has something to do with it. I guess we do need to find out though. Vision is important.
  23. I've tried 2 LR cartos from ENS today and maybe it's me but I only taste a burnt flavor. I tried a 2nd one thinking maybe the first was a dud, but it tastes the same to me. I have it filled with juice and it's slightly better than when you first put a few drops in to test it, cuz that was ICK! I will give it more time and see if I acquire a liking, but I think I might end up back to my 2.5 ohm. I seem to get more clean taste from those. What I ideally want to find is a carto that will last me more than a day without getting gunked and hard to draw. I vape VG so I'm sure thats why. I can't afford 1 a day, not even the vitamins I gotta say, ENS was very kind. They sent me #4 10 ml of juice to try. Thats awesome! Caramel Popcorn which I am liking. It smells exactly like it and for me to taste it, you know the flavor is there. 2 bottles of Mountain Dew..one UV and the other Code Red (in different labeled names of course) and a bottle of Banana Cream Pie. I haven't tried those yet.
  24. I don't think my teeth are 'more' sensitive, but the blood flow to my gums has improved. (I've pretty much always had sensitive teeth to hot and cold) I have periodontal problems that I'm always dealing with, which cause my gums to recede. Since I started vaping, they have puffed back up some, which is great. I do however experience bleeding gums while brushing and such though, I'd say more than before, but that can be a result of the extra blood flow. I hope it's just your toothpaste causing it.
  25. I will vouch that Madvapes is a great supplier. I am at their shop once a week or every two weeks. All of their flavorings are of the same brand from what I know and they make your liquid to order. They make mine right in front of me. I am not sure why they aren't listing the Butter Rum but maybe they are just out of that flavoring right now. They will be branching out to a larger space soon and have great plans for new things. I am sure they will exchange your passthrough for you. Good luck. Don't get zapped anymore
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