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Everything posted by LoriHNC

  1. I got it Kitsune, thank you very much I'm learning slowly but surely
  2. Thank you everyone. I thought I had a bad adapter at first. Snubber, I was informed to get the passthrough WITH the battery as being better. lol Just going by the masses. I bought the usb A/C plug in adapter when I bought my ecig so I think that should cover a few bases. Yeah, I guess I am getting into this. I like it alot and I don't see me getting off nic right away. When it has a 30 yr hold on you, it's not easy to let go, as you all know. Another few questions (I know, I'm a pain)...how do you compare the nic level in mgs from an analog (say Marlboro) to e-juice? I mean, how many mgs would you say a Marlboro is? I'm using 24 mg right now and some days it seems good and other days I feel like I need more hit. Anyone else experience this? What is the ratio when adding flavor to nic juice? If I were to add flavor to my 24 mg, it's going to cut down my nice level right? And you need PG or VG with the flavor right? I saw some of the ratio equations and that seems so "math" to me lol I just want simple ratio in say a 10 ml bottle/ 24 mg Thanks again You guys are my vaping lifeblood. And no, I'm not into these Twilight movies lol
  3. I went and purchased a 3 amp USB car charger adapter for my 510 passthrough today. I put it together with the and it works but my question is, does the inline battery HAVE to be in it to work? When I take the inline battery out of the passthrough, I get nothing. Does the adapter only charge the battery? Thanks
  4. Yeah right! Where else would I be? lol What is a drip tip? Theres a noob question if I ever did see one lol I didn't realize carts would/could melt, but understandably being so near the hot atty. I do have a few that seem like the seal is weak. I'll toss those. Thanks Joe [ Carts if you are vaping ALOT can melt. Other than that, definitely reusable. Fluval, blue foam, tea bags, or just use them when dripping. The drip tips are cool and a little sturdier than regular carts. I used to by carts just to get the whistle tips and pull the filler.
  5. Yeah I've heard about that filter stuff. I bet it would last forever made for a fish tank. lol I don't get to Harris Blvd often, only to go mall shopping and such. Crazy traffic over there as ya know.
  6. So even if you take out the filler, they go bad? Even if I replaced it with that blue foam stuff? I don't use one with filler when I DD but do you need to replace with new ones even if used empty?
  7. Thanks everyone. I think I'll just blow out the attys to clean them from now on. and then try what Brian does if they just seem like they aren't working right. I need to get some backups so I don't have to worry. My questions were kinda in 2 parts. The top referred to carts, then attys lol Sorry if I confused anyone. Thanks
  8. What goes bad in regular 510 cart? Do they go bad? What is their function if you direct drip? Can they be cleaned? Also, I just blew my first atty. I tried cleaning it for a few mins in warm water, let it dry overnight and voila, burnt taste and no vape. Does cleaning them do this? If so, I guess we shouldn't clean them?? I need to get backup in case my other atty goes bad. The feeling is like having analogs but your lighter is dying. Thanks in advance for info.
  9. I got my 510 from Cignot.com It comes with 2 complete cigs, charger and 5 carts for $35 and it took 2 days to get to me. It's in the Midwest I guess. I didn't think this was a bad price after researching them.
  10. I am new and wonder the same thing. I DD when I am sitting at the computer because like you, I feel the need to add a few drops too often to take it anywhere else. If I have to run to the store, I usually use a regular 510 cart. I need to give cartos a chance I think but DD tastes the bestest. Awaiting the answer to your question Lori
  11. I was just thinking and I think I've went by that plant. I was lost when I did but thats when I first moved here lol I live near Marshall Steam Station. I see the steam stack from my house.
  12. I am about 2 weeks already now. Wow, times flies. Theres something I noticed in the last 2 days. When I ordered my ecig kit, I requested VG liquid as I had read that it's the better vapor and such. Well, I got a bottle of flavor last week and I used it for more than a day. I like the taste very much but I started to get a feeling in my throat that made me feel I had to clear it all the time. I also was jittery and didn't feel like I was getting the nic I needed. I didn't put my finger on what was going on right away. I just knew that something was wrong and it was the first time I craved an analog. (I didn't have one though) I went back to my first bottle of liquid that I started with and within a day, this all stopped. I'm thinking the new bottle was PG based. Can someone be allergic to PG? Has anyone experienced this before? Also, without sounding gross, did others cough up "stuff" a week or so after quitting analogs. Do our lungs try to clean themselves out? Thanks
  13. Hi Yeah I'm plugging along with all of this. It involves some trial and error to get what you like and I'm getting close. Funny how you know the area here. I guess it is a small world. Thanks for the support.
  14. I sent you a PM Joe.
  15. I'm already loving the cheesecake liquid from DIY. I can taste the flavor alot, unlike some other flavored liquids I've got from other suppliers. I'm sure the double shot flavors help alot with that too. This Blue Plug is pretty good too. I also got my passthrough with the inline battery. I am using it now in the computer but I got the A/C plug as well for times when theres no USB around. I think I'm all set with supplies for a while. I already had to get a little rubbermaid shoe box size box to keep it all in lol Hey, you can get carried away with this stuff
  16. Just an FYI. (I live in NC) I ordered from Madvapes (8 miles from me) and it arrived in 1 full business day. I ordered from Wordup in Massachusetts and it took 2 full business days I ordered from DIY in Las Vegas and it also took 2 full business days Excellent times I would say. Also, I received a hand written letter from Wordup thanking me for the purchase, which is very nice. I got a phone call the day I placed my order with DIY, welcoming me and asking a few questions about my likes and such. She (Dawn) sent me a free sample of liquid and another flavor. Also she sent me a sample of "The Blue Plug" to try, this replaces the regular 510 cart filler. It's more like sponge. I just tried a piece and it works well. Less drawing and the flavor and vape seems better. I guess it's designed so that liquid doesn't get all clogged in filler so theres less waste. Amazing company to do business with. I just thought I'd share my experiences. I will definitely order from these suppliers again
  17. So that air sound is normal with cartos then. It seems like they should shorten the distance between the mouth end and the coil to eliminate it, but what do I know. I might have to break this in more too cuz I'm not getting much vapor, nothing like using a regular cart. Stephen, I am going to try that fill method without removing the cap. That seems easy. I'll keep using it tonight to see if it gets better. Thanks, I appreciate the input and advice from all.
  18. okay I may have spoke too soon. lol I think I did something wrong. I went with Chris's video and dripped the drops into the sides of the carto like the video said. At first it seemed to be working good then it seemed like I didn't have enough liquid in it cuz I was having to draw too much and not getting much vapor at all. I heard an air sound while drawing. So I added a few more drops, I don't think I added more than 20 in all. I am still getting an air draw and little vapor. I am supposed to leave the white cap end on it right? The plug I mean that comes in it. All I took off were the rubber covers on each end. Did I overfill it? Thanks. Sorry if I'm a pain lol
  19. Thanks Joe. I used Chris's video to fill the cart, which came today by the way. I like it alot. I think the vapor is betting and it doesn't seem like it takes so much drawing on the cart. I found a new friend in cartos lol
  20. How many drops should I put in a carto?
  21. Good, I'm glad to hear that Ben. I'm sure I will like them better. Next thing on my list is a mega battery for my 510.
  22. Yeah I ordered cartos, can't wait for them to get here to try them. I may start direct dripping when I am home though. Thanks
  23. Let me make sure I understand how to drip. I just drip a few drops right into the atty? Doesn't the fluid come out the cart hole into your mouth?
  24. So if I removed the wick, do I HAVE to direct drip? Also, if I direct drip, do I not use the filler in the cart?
  25. Thanks everyone for your input. I will blow out the atty and let it sit on a paper towel then I'll try a different liquid. I ordered some new liquids from DIY which I"m told I will tell a huge difference with. The juice is not dark in color so I don't think it's that, nor is the cart melted looking so it's not that either. It may be that not enough liquid is getting to the atty wick like someone mentioned (sorry, I'm fast replying at the bottom and don't remember (Brian? lol) I'll try to direct drip to see if I like that, since it seems I would be adding the same amount of liquid either way. I can't wait to try the cartomizers I ordered and the new liquids. I got double flavor liquids from DIY so they should be good. Thanks again
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