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Everything posted by LoriHNC

  1. I'm looking at my 901 adapter now and there are little holes on the sides where the threads are. (on the side that screws into the atty) I probably wouldn't like those as much using them on 3.7v?
  2. ahhh! or in this case mAh! I didn't know I needed a special sized AC adapter. I just bought the one they had. Now to find the larger mAh. Thank you McQuinn
  3. Weird... I tried my 3.7v PT and that one works. The 5v works at the computer but not connected to the usb AC plug adapter. The adapter is 500 mAh 5v it says. Shouldn't that pull enough for the PT? I mean, I got this AC adapter from Madvapes so it's been used for e cigs
  4. Thats where I tried it, in my surge protector. Let me try another jack.
  5. I read on here somewhere that you get more true of a 5v vape if you plug your usb 5v PT into a wall jack instead of the computer. Well, I just tried to and the friggin cord isn't long enough to reach my wall and sit and my computer. The jack is only under the desk too. If I keep my head under the desk, I can do it but, well, not too comfy. So then I tried an extension cord and I get the led but no vapor. Does anyone use an extension cord where it works? Update: I tried plugging it into a jack directly and I still get no vapor. I assume people are using the usb ac adapter with these, right?
  6. If it is the same as a 901, I have that adapter to fit my 510.
  7. What adapter do I need to use a premium carto? Are all of their cartos KR?
  8. Oh okay, I got it I think. The lower the resistance, the hotter and harsher. More flavor from higher resistance
  9. You found them harsh Joe? I wonder if it might be because you vape no nic? What does the ohm's do? Less resistance? The low res cartos are 1.7 ohms it says so I'm wondering if your new tru-vapor cartos are even less resistance. So you like the 901 Low res atty? I tried a regular 901 and the flavor seemed pretty good. They have side vents. Have a nice vaca
  10. You don't like LR Cartos? I just started using them and I do very much. But, my next question is, would I like Premium Cartos better? When I tried regular cartos, I feel like I'm trying to swallow my tongue getting a "drag" and it seems like I'm getting air and no tight draw.
  11. Same here, the smell is awful now. I can smell it so much more distinctly than before. In homes, in cars, on people, etc. Its awful to know I smelled like that.
  12. It seems that would be pretty dangerous. I mean, inhalation of caffeine would jump start and race your heart quicker than drinks I would think.
  13. Cool, thank you Jeff. This is the description for them at Nhaler. AND, they have neat colors. Low Resistance (1.5 Ohm) cartomizers to be used with 3.7 420 Mah or higher batteries to simulate HV vaping. These are NOT recommended for use with normal e-Cig batteries as they will decrease the life of both the battery and the cartomizer. These are also NOT recommended for 5 or 6 volt devices. So I would treat these as I would a low res atty, I take it.
  14. I'll bet FTJoe knows where to get them
  15. Hey, now theres an idea!
  16. The low res cartos don't get hot at all, not the ones I have anyway. They are great! I use them on 3.7v and they are so nice and smooth. I would like to use these all the time. I guess you can't use them on 5v though, just like a low res atty.
  17. A friend of mine sent me a few lo res cartos and I love them. I used them for my trip and even sitting at the computer. Question is, who carries them? I looked for a thread but for some reason, I have a helluva time searching here. I always get some pink outlined error that I've used the wrong words or something. I even tried quotes but it doesn't fine tune the search I need, just a vague list of posts. Anyway , if you can either direct me to the threads or where I can purchase lo res cartos, I'd appreciate it. Oh, and if theres a better price on them in one place as opposed to another, that would be nice too. But, I do want them to work so cheaper isn't always better right? lol Thanks all. I think I had too much caffeine today. lol
  18. Thank you again Kits. I'll stick with the flavorings that are known to work ok such as Lorann or DIY. I can't afford to be burning out attys
  19. Thank you Kits. I was wondering about the syrupy sugars in this coffee flavoring. I know 2 of the ones I got are sugar free but they are still sweetened artificially with something that is probably similar in consistency. Am I better off purchasing Lorann candy flavorings or is that also sugary? Are Lorann flavorings sweetened at all or do I have to sweeten them? I hope I'm not killing any LR attys, so far its ok.
  20. YAY It's a great thing to look at to motivate you and make you feel like you're doing something good for yourself. Granted, it's still nicotine but thats a hurdle I'll get over one day. I think of it as a nic patch or nic gum alternate option. Good luck to ya
  21. I'm not sure what is wrong. Did you highlight and paste the whole URL after you clicked create banner, into the box in change signature?
  22. I am experimenting today. I know, "uh oh" I went to a gourmet coffee shop and bought some flavorings. (60 cents for a double shot which I put into extra drip bottles) I diluted them down with some VG so they weren't so thick, but they actually weren't thick really. I mixed a few and it's working great, taste is awesome. Has anyone used these before? Is the sugar going to be a problem? I mean, regular vape flavorings are sweet too so I didn't see an issue. I bought plum, cherry and white chocolate. I added some cherry to my coca cola, and voila Cherry Coke. It's really good too but maybe I added more flavoring than normal. Anything I should know about doing this?
  23. Mona, click on that box itself, on anyone's. It will bring you to the add setup. Then, when you do that, click on your picture or avatar in the upper right. Click on edit profile on the right side somewhere. Then click change signature and add the URL for your smoke free banner into the big box area.
  24. Ouch! No, that hasn't happened to me. lol I dont usually sit in the recliner naked though.
  25. oh yeah, one other question. I know I previously asked how to tell which atty is a LR without the gold band but how do you tell which carto is a LR? Does it have anything that tells you on it?
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