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  1. So far this tank is a beast never a dry hit you do have to vape it above 4v, I chain vape and it's 3.8 ml capacity lasted me almost 3 days. I first installed the stainless in place of the Pyrex after I vaped that tank i went to the Pyrex I like to see how much juice is in my tank. The only negative thing that I can think of is the air flow adjustment doesn't lock I have put it in my pocket pulled it out and it be moved, over all 9 out of a 10
  2. Fleabay has them for $35 authentic with serial numbers I will post a little review when I get it, what's a good site to get batteries and chargers?
  3. Just ordered the aerotank mega needed a lil more capacity, next is a better mod thinking about the svd what would be the best batteries for this? I would want the longest lasting, I see that it will take three different kinds direct me to the best longest lasting stacked or single batteries
  4. Im still a new guy as well welcome to vt lots to learn here like the reviews of products so I know what to buy and steer clear of.
  5. So glad to hear that its not just me I find that I need bigger pockets as well I carry 2 sometimes 3 with me at all times
  6. As I am new to all this couple months in I would like to say this is a hobby/addiction always nice to get new things I usually find myself daydreaming about my next purchase. Been trying to get my friends and family into it my grandmother came over the other day and picked up one of my mini protanks and my evod with 24 cherry in it and wouldnt give it back she picks up the blu at the gas station and now wants me to get her a good set up says the blu sucks compared to what I have. So suggestions I want more been buying evods since they are quick on the go 650 and 1100 mah and a couple v3 been thinking about the vamo v5, I have a evod 650 with a optimizer phenom tank for work since I have to keep it discreet is there any smaller combos than that?
  7. Thought of rebuilding my coils but as cheap as they are just to quick and easy to pop a new one in I've gotten 3 weeks on my current coil on my mini protank 2, I clean it weekly vapes brandnew
  8. I can not quit buying new stuff, new tanks, batteries, extra coils, even new tank o rings, so far the wife hasn't shut me down, quite fond of the smaller setups, anyone else find their self buying things daily, thinking about buying a big mod and tank next and maybe a new bedside table since mine is vaped out. Also do they make a multi charger for several ego/evod batteries
  9. I charge my v3 on my computer, or cellphone charger, and since my car has a usb I use it on the go it has lasted me almost 2 days of continuous vaping.
  10. Not proud to say but I'm from illinois so I'm sure they will try something then propose a tax to, even more reason to move to the bordering State of Indiana, politics here are horrible
  11. I had the same issue with my mini protank 2 and one of the members told me to flip that seal upside down and now vaping away ive layed mine on its side no leaking or flooding
  12. Tried it and man does this thing fly through the juice never a dry hit lots of vape appreciate your help
  13. Thanks for the responses I will try this when I wake up
  14. Thanks haven't flipped the cap yet, will this cause flooding issues?
  15. It is a 50/50 juice
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