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Everything posted by dave61

  1. I got in today 1--Segelei 100watt plus mod 120ml of fruit bomb from Vape Wild 60ml of S+c2 from vape wild 60ml of strawberry cheese cake from vape wild 100ft of 28ga kanthal from ebay
  2. I just got in the mail today a Segelei 100watt plus The mod so far seems great The only problem i see with it is the screen is upside down when I hold it in my right hand I cant figure how to change it even if it can be changed
  3. I use a linux system with a customized Firefox browser Much safer thanwindows
  4. 6 wraps of 32ga on a 1/6in drill bit will give you exactly 2.0 ohms in a Kanger pro tank
  5. True type of juice can make a big difference I can do chocolate or cinamin roll but not many really sweet juices seem right
  6. I use peaches and cream cotton yarn from walmart 3 strands in a coil wrapped on 1/16 in drill bit with 7 wraps of 32ga gives me 2.1 on a V5 Vamo Lay it on the ledge then asemble dont block the chanels The wick I have in now is 5 days old and flavor still great Ive been running this experiment to see how long the wick lasts before the flavor goes bad so far so good
  7. dave61

    kayfun lite question

    +2 The flavor cant be beat And there is enough vapor to satisfy most
  8. dave61

    kayfun lite question

    I use a Vamo V5 and a Kayfun My coil is 7 wraps of 32ga on a 5/64 drill bit gives 2.1ohms Works great on the Vamo 2.1 is the sweet spot for a vamo Flavor is good from 4watts all the way to 15watts you wont get humongous vapor but willk get fantastic taste
  9. I made an order from them got peanut butter cup tastes awfull no peanut taste at all double chocolate tastes the same as peanutbutter cup awfull dutch apple pie good taste of granny smith apple along with a taste of apple pie crust a good tasting vapor
  10. If you turn another silicone cap upside down over the one there they wont leak Ive done it with my T3D and pro tank 3
  11. It may be like the converted pro tanks when i rebuilt my converted protanks I had to use less wick and leave out the flavor wick or the draw was hard This happend with kanger addys also so had to remove some wick from the store bought addys
  12. From the sound of it you went at it the wrong way You didnt say what tank the coil was in so the directions i give are for kanger pro tank 2 Dont unwind the coil Just wet the wick and with tweezers pull the wick out carefully without moving the coil pull a small piece of cotton off the q tip and roll it between your fingers Make a point on the end of your cotton insert inside the coil Try your best not to push the coil to one side or the other Trim the cotton wick to size Wet new cotton wick with juice pull another small piece of cotton and roll between fingers put on top of coil in slot so ends come out on both sides Put top tube back in screw base back on full tank Let sit for 10 to 15 minutes so cotton wick can start wicking juice Then try it It would be best if you had an ohms meter to check the coil Maybe someone here has a better way to do it and they will post Othe rthan this you will need kanthal wire to build another coil Im sure when you unwound the original it wont work right for you
  13. i got a itaste mvp 2 yesterday Its working like a dream
  14. In one word no there is no way to hide the nic
  15. I just picked up 2 Kanger T3D at a local shop So far they are a dream it wont let me post the pic http://www.zwoofs.nl/image/cache/data/kanger/kanger-t3d-zwoofs-explo1-500x500.jpg
  16. You can try turning the battery off for 90 seconds to reset it I had the same problem and that worked for me
  17. If i get up that way will do Thanks for the info
  18. Ill have to put that one in my travel book to check out thanks
  19. In bartletsville they have opened a couple shops and of course in tulsa there are ten or more So its getting around here
  20. NE oklahoma
  21. Ive been vapeing for almost a month and just found my way here Im hopeing to get good information as well as share what little ive learned on my own
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